The Dunn County News from Menomonie, Wisconsin (2024)


Prico was! nominated for member of assembly by the Republicans of Jackson county. vV Pepin and Buffalo counties send delegates to the state convention in favor of Gen. Rusk for governor. 3 LARGER AND BETTER THAN EVER. Dry Goods, Greceries, Clothing, Notions, Carpets, Crockery, ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.

SALE OF FORFEITED STATE LANDS. STATE OF WISCONSIN. 4 Office Notice is hereby given that all the school, gaged, and swamp lands in the state of Wisconsin, which have been forfeited by reason of the non-payment of interest for the year 1S31, will be offered for sale at public auction, at the capitol in Madison, on the 15th day of December, A. D. 1881, unless sooner redeemed according to Jaw; said sale will be commenced at 10 o'clock, A.

and continued from day to day until all of said lands shall have been offered, i Said lands will be offered by counties, in alphabetical order. Among these are the following described lands in Dunn county, which will be offered at the price named opposite each tract, under the heading total amount due state," which includes the principal due at the time of forfeiture; the interest on the Mime to Jan-nary 1, 1882, and three per cent, damages: the cost of advertising, and all taxes which have been returned agains the land and remain unpaid. Said lands will be sold subject toall unpaid taxes assessed against the same, not included herein. The percentage payable at the time of purchase will be fixed by the Commissioners at the sale. HANS B.

WARNER, Secretary of State. ALEX. WILSON, Attorney General. Commissioners of the Public Lands. SCHOOL, a i 919 16 80 13 929 16 31 11 930 16 31 11 931 16 31 11 NAME.

HolUs Kent Peter Steneron. do do neK se sw nej ne4 8WJ4' AGRICULTURAL Swen neK seK nwK sej4 nw4 neJ4 408 lien Ole Peterson. 365 294 SWAMP CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. The September term of the Circuit Court for Dunn county opened at the court house, Menomonie, Monday, at 10 a. m.

Present Hon. E. B. Bandy, Judge Presiding. W.

J. Cowan, S. A. Peterson, deputy clerk. C.

E. Freeman, district attorney. H. C. Reed, reporter.

Sever Severson, sheriff. Samuel Omdahl, undersheriff. The following attorneys from abroad were present Hudson R. H. Start, J.

W. Bashford. Chippewa Falls Hollon Richardson, J. J. Jenkins, W.

F. Boland. Durand H. E. Houghton.

Eau Claire L. M. Vilas, S. W. McCas-lin, H.

Culbertson. Baldwin H. F. Woodard, D. R.

Bailey. River Falls Charles Smith. The following cases were disposed of: State vs. Chas. DeLaudcr.

Larceny. Defendant not in custody. State vs. Robert Smith. Rape.

Nolle prosequi entered. State vs. C. H. Scott.

Obtaining goods under false pretenses. Continued by the state. S. A. Hugdahl vs.

The Knapp, Stout Company. Continued. Lewis N. Dahl "same Company. Continued.

Ole Setter vs. same company. Continued. N. C.

Ilardell vs. same company. Continued. N. O.

Strand vs. same company. Continued. Chas. E.

Christainsen vs. same company. Continued. II. E.

Houghton vs. John P. Tuttle et al. Continued. Jesse J.

Axford vs. Henry Axford. Divorce. Decree granted. State vs.

Wesley D. Atwater. Adultery. Continued to March term. Bail fixed at 8500.

Henry Shanfield vs. Lyman G. Reed et al. Foreclosure. Referee's report confirmed.

Adolphus Gorham vs. Chas. G. Billings et al. Same as above.

Jacob Wirth vs. Thos. O'Brien. Same as above. Judgment of deficiency rendered.

E. I. B. Hawthorne vs. Mrs.

Jens. Holstein. No cause of action. State vs. Nelson P.

Fluent. Obstructing public highway. Jury trial. Verdict guilty. Damages to plaintiff assessed at six cents.

State vs. Theodore Rounds and Frank Shay. Murder. The court ordered that the case should be tried at an adjourned term of the Circuit Court to be held in Dunn county, Nov. 10, 1S81.

The court also ordered the prisoners to be taken back to St. Croix county jail. State vs. Edward Munske. Assault with intent to do great bodily harin.

Continued for defendant. E. I. B. Hawthorne vs.

John Marlett. Continued by consent. Plaintiff allowed twenty days to amend complaint. E. E.

Sloggy vs. G. H. Hannemyer. Judgment for defendant.

C. C. Burger vs. J. W.

Robbins and John Stephens. Judgment in favor of plaintiff. Seymour Donaldson vs. Peter Peterson and Thos. Tucker.

Verdict for plaintiff. Damages fixed at 55.60. Susan E. Simons vs. Frank F.

Simons. Divorce. Decree grauted. W. II.

Huntington vs. A. H. Johnson. Jury trial waived.

Evidence introduced and case held for advisem*nt to be argued at the Durand term. Joseph Phillips vs. John W.Hawthorne'. Verdict for plaintiff for $125 and costs. Elias P.

IneK ne 2191720jl4 001S3 15IS1 35 IS 6 ai1881 do nw 220l7l26l4 40 45 00 3 15 1 35 6 33l 51 8311881 i WWW. fr-tiMr n.Lj MrTATl Mi i.ii.r A torpid liver and dyspepsia cause moroseness and irritability, and the mind becomes dull and cloudy. Persons suffering in this way are unfit for) the ordinary pursuits and pleasures of life. ALLEN'S IRON TONIC BITTERS is the most powerful Blood Purifier uuu iiuuni( muwu, uu uii mo sttmo uiub uuims up auu lurunes ine system, invigorates the liver, aids digestion, and cures dyspepsia. It tones reinforces the whole system and imparts cheerfulness, vivacity and buoyancy of spirits.

Prepared by J. P. AL.L.I2N, Druggist MTg. Pharmacist; ST. PAUL, MINN.

For Sale by George Tonnar, Menomonio, IVla. THE MILUmEmW' AT knapp. Are now Manufacturing the celebrated Springer Spring Tooth Cultivator and Seeder COITIRINED. ALSO WAGONS OF ALL KINDS. HARDWOOD LUMBER, We have just received a new and complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE, which will be sold at the lowest living prices Cash or Ready Pay Only.

NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. -FOR Logs, Pork, Hides, TRY THE NEW COMPANY. Ed. COLEMAN, Manager. GEOEGE GALLAWAY Has just received his FALL STOCK Parlor Sets, Bedroom Suits, Bed Springs, Matresses, Mirrors, Ward Itohcs.

Oil Cloths of all Sizes, Window Shades and Fixtures, Children's Carriages, of various Styles and Prices. A large variety of Picture frames constantly on hand and made to order ItEPAIRINGDONE on SIIOKTNOTICE THE LAEGEST STOCK OF COFFINS CASKETS KOBES AND SHROUDS IN DUNN Manniacturlnff Co. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1881. Entered at the Post Office at Menomonie, as second-class matter. Republican Ticket.

For Member of Assembly E. L. EVERTS, of Spring Brook. For Register of Deeds PETER PETERSON, of Grant. For County School Superintendent A.

B. FINLEY, of Menomonie. PRESIDENT GARFIELD, The reports of the president's condition from day to day during the past week haye been very fluctuating. One day his physicians say he is better, the next he is worse. A favorable bulletin is no sooner issued than it is succeeded by another decidedly By striking an average we are inclined to think he is improving; that he is better at the close of this week than last.

re THE COUNTY TICKET. The Republican convention assembled at the court house last Saturday and placed in nomination candidates for member of assembly, register of deeds, county school and also elected two delegates to the state convention, and five delegates to the senatorial convention. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather every town, except one, was represented. The official proceedings of the convention arc printed elsewhere. For member of assembly, Mr.

E. L. Everts, of Spring Brook, was nominated. Mr. Everts has been a resident of Dunn county during the past six or seven years, living at Fall City, where he is engaged in mercantile business.

He has been town clerk of Spring Brook for several years, and has the reputation of being a careful and competent officer. He is -a man of good ability, excellent habits and will faithfully represent his constituents in the legislature, Mr. Peter of Grant, was nominated for register of deeds. He is an old resident of the county, coming here in 1864. The people of his town have elected him to various local offices.

He was treasurer two years, supervisor two years, and is now town clerk, which office he has held the past nine years. Mr. Peterson is a man of fine education, an excellent penman, and thoroughly qualified to to discharge the duties of register of deeds in a satisfactory manner. For superintendent of schools the convention nominated Mr. A.

B. Fmley, of Menomonie. ne is a teacher of considerable experience, and during a residence in Barr6n county some ten years ago, was elected superintendent of schools of that county. Aside from his practical experience as a teacher, he has attended the Normal School at River ore or two terms, and his educational standing is indicated by the fact that he holds a first grade certificate. We believe he will make a good superintendent.

The ticket presented to the people for their suffrages is a good one. The candi dates are men well qualified for the positions for which they are named and deserving of a cordial support at the polls. The conventionso elected Hon, G. II. Chamberlin, of Rock Creek, and John Q.

Bailey, of Knapp, delegates to the Republican 8tate Convention. The sentiment of the convention was nearly unanimous iu favor of Hans B. Warner for Governor, and the delegates elected will strongly urge his nomination. Five delegates were chosen to represent Dunn county in the Republican Senatorial Convention, to-wit S. W.

Hunt, John Kelley, F. Chickering, W. J. Cowan and George Tonnar. The Senatorial Convention meets in Menomonie next Monday and elects two delegates to the State Convention and nominates a candidate for state senator.

Prof. King's balloon, which was advertised as an attraction at the Minneapolis Exposition, did not make its ascension until 5:30 Monday afternoon, It then startled on its voyage to the Atlantic coast with seven passengers and 500 pounds of baggage. Reaching an altitude of 3,000 feet it drifted slowly southward and finally de-cended to Mother Earth about half way between Minneapolis and St. Paul having made "a voyage of six miles. A ten cent toy baloon would have done better than that.

This baloon business is a humbug1 anyhow. There is-, too much gas about it. Sitting Bull and a part of his band have been removed from Standing Rock Agency to Fort Randall. The old savage ob-. jected to, going and had to be bound with ropes and carried aboard the steamer.

For awhile there was danger of a general mutiny, but the presence of several companies of troops in line exercised a wholesome restraint over the indignant warriors and an outbreak was avoided. Gen. Ambrose E. Burnside died at his home in Bristol, R. last Tuesday, of neuralgia of the heart.

He was a prominent Union general in the late war, and at one time commanded the Army of the Potomac. In 1875 he was elected U. S. Senator from Rhode Island and re-elected in 1880. He was 57 years old last May.

Several of the bandits engaged in the train robbery in Missouri last week have been captured, and there is a disposition shown by the people to organize the court of Judge Lynch, in which It is customary to hang such rascals first and try them afterwards. Bill. King's fair or rather aquaiium comes in out of, the wet about $18,000 short this year. He got off better than most people expected. Samuel Dudley, an old and prominent resident of Pierce county, died al Pres-cott on the 7tb, at the age of Bixty-two years.

The Chicago Board of Trade has subscribed over $2000 for the Michigan fire sufferers, and other parties have sent an additional $1000. In the 20-mile equestrian race" at the Minneapolis Fair, Friday, Miss Belle Cooke, of California, vanquished Miss Emma Jewett, of Minnesota, by 1,000 yards, in 47 minutes, SO seconds. The Irish papers claim that there are now 28,000 British troops on the island or 3,000 more than the United States army. The royal constabulary of Ireland amounts to 11,418 men, and this total force of 39,448 armed officers ought to quell a good sized rebellion. Latest reports from Beef Slough say there was a falling off in business the past week, owing to rainy weather and and up-stream winds.

The total amount of logs consigned to date is 306,427,520 feet, and the amount rafted is about feet, which is a gain of 8,000,000 over last week's rafting. Peck's Sun comes to us this week enlarged to a seven-column paper and as full of fun as ever. Peck calls it a case of enlargement of the heart. So far as the Sun is concerned it is doubtless true, but it will not apply to its bald-headed editor. His heart cannot be enlarged without breaking his body.

The trial of Rev. H. W. Thomas, the celebrated Methodist divine of Chicago, for heresy, came to a close last Saturday morning. The jury brought in a verdict sustaining all the charges and specifications.

It may be that Mr. Thomas is not orthodox, but we believe he is a true and sincere Christian. He can do the work of the Master quite as well outside of the church, and the -reward of the good and faithful servant will crown his labors at the end. The next enterprise talked of at Eau Claire is the erection of a pulp and paper mill near the site of the Dells dara. Par ties have made a proposal to the City Council to erect an establishment for that purpose at a cost of $40,000, provided the city will donate ten acres of land, furnish two hundred horse water-power, and contribute $5,000 when $40,000 has been expended on the building and ma chinery.

The bonus of $5,000 has been voted by the Common Council, and the land and water power will bo furnished by the city. It now remains for the par ties to carry out their agreement. The railway passenger war continues and rates" are cheapening. Passenger tickets are now selling in Chicago, over the Michigan Central and the Michigan Southern and Lake Shore Railroads for $15 to New York, witfia rebate of $10 (making the trip only $5), and to Boston, Via Albany, for $16, with a rebate of $10. The Pennsylvania sells tickets at substan tially the same rates.

The Baltimore and Ohio sells tickets to New York for $5, without a rebate. The Grand Trunk Company is selling round-trip tickets to Boston for $10 good for thirty days; single trip tickets to New York, good until used," for $15. The old version of the New Testament, Matthew 10, reads: "Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying: And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom the children of Israel did value, and gave them for the potters' field, as the Lord appointed me." These words are not found in Jeremiah, but in Zechar-iah, 12. There is evidently an error in the old a mistake of some scribe. It seems a little strange that the revisers of the New Testament should not have assumed the responsibility of making the correction, but they have not.

The error would have been very easy under the old abbreviated methods of Zech. and Jer. to denote these writers.and a correction to agree with the fact would seem to be demanded. But instead of this they translate Jeremy into Jeremiah, and make a few others verbal alterations, and leave the error uncorrected. DEATH OF AN OLD PIONEER.

Eau Claire Leader, Sept. 5. Thomas E. Randall, one of the oldest residents of Eau Claire, who has been in feeble health for some time past, died very suddenly Saturday afternoon. The immediate cause of death was suffocation induced by attempting to eat a piece of watermelon.

For the last few days he had suffered from a violent attack of erysipelas, which, however had been partially subdued. Mr. Randall had lived here for about thirty-five years, and being among the first white men who lived in the Valley was regarded as a teller of wonderful stories. Among the things he and other old residents used to tell was that they had seen the river rise so high that a "raft could be ruu over the present site of West Eau Claire. Few believed this till the flood last year convinced them.

About three years ago Mr. Randall published a history of the Chippewa Valley, which was been universally regarded as a valndble contribution to the historical literature of Wisconsin. The deceased was a member and trustee of the Universalist church in the city. Since meetings ceased to, be held there he has been a regular attendant of the Congregational church. Of COMMISSIONERS OF THE PUBLIC LANDS, university, agricultural college, forfeited mort LANDS IN DVNN COUNTY.

a a a 3 "8 a a i 2. a xs -a 9 ft S5 40 40 40 40 S30 00 S2 10 90 4 83 4 Si 4 Hi 4 43 $31 83 1881 1881 1881 1881 27 00 26 00 26 00 1 89 81 31 53 30 43 30 43 1 82 1 82 78 7 8.. COLLEOJB LANDS. 11431 40 40 40 $37 00IS2 59 SI 11 1 11 1 11 $5 53 5 53 8 83 $12 5311881 42 53 1881 45 83 1881 37 00 2 59 2 59 37 00 $3 301 LANDS. Look Herei Farmers If you want goods at low prices go to fi.

Am Co. Dealers in General Merchandiser consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, lints Cups, Isoot MlOCS, Notions, In fact, nearly everything embraced In our line of business. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE IN CASH PA It) FOR WIIJjAT COME AND SEE US. We thank our patrons for their liberal patronage In the past and it shall always bo our aim to merit your favors in the future. If.

AUSMAN CO. Elk Mound, Sept. 10, 1880. ft A IJL EXAMINATIONS. The fall examination of teachers will be held as follows W.

Dl st Menomonie, Sherman, Stanton and Lucas at Menomonie, Sept. 12, 13 and 11. S. K. Dl st.

Rock Creek and Peru at Rock Fallt, Sept. 2(i and 27. E. Dist. Spring Brook, Red Cedar and Elk Mound, at Waneka, Sept.

28 and 29. S. W. Dlst. Eau Galle, Weston and Dunn, at Downsvllle, Sept.

30 and Oct. 1. N. W. Dlst.

New Haven, Sheridan, Hay River and Tiffany, at Granger School house, aim o. N.E. Dlst. Sand Creek, Otter Creek, Grant, Talnter and Colfax, a Colfax, Oct. 7 and 8.

Sept. 14 will be for Second and First Grades. Commencing at 9 o'clock, a.m., on the first day. Legal cap paper, pen and ink needed. Persons under.10 years ol age, and those who do not intend to teach in the county within a year are requested not to apply for examination.

Candidates for certificates will remember to attend the public examination. FLORENCE TICKNEK; County Sup't, First publication Sent. 10, 1881. IN PROBATE DUNN COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Milton A.

Coleman, deceased. Letters of administration in said matter being this day granted to Edwin C. Coleman, of Stanton, in said county, and six months from and after the 6th day of Sept. A. 1881, being allowed to creditors to present their claims against said deceased for examination and allowance: Notice Is hereby given that the Judge of said court will, on the first Tuesday of March, A.

1882, at one o'clock p. of said day at his office in said county, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. By the Court, ROBERT MACAULEY, County Judge. Menomonie, the Cth day of Sept A. 1881.

First publication Sept. 10, 1881.J TN PROBATE DUNN COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the estate of Henry Krauser, deceased. Letters of administration in said matter being this day granted to Mary E. Krauser, of Sand Creek, in said county, and six months from and after the 6th day of A.I 1881, being allowed to creditors to present their claims against said deceased for examl- nation and allowances Notice is hereby given that the Judge of said court will, on the first Tuesday of March, A.

D. 1882, at one o'clock p. M. of said day at his office in said county, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. uy tne (jourt, ROBERT MACAULEY, County Judge.

Menomonie, Sept. 6, 1881. fFIrst publication sept. 17, 1881. LAND OFFICE.

FALLS ST. CROIX, WIS. September 13, 1881. Notice is hereby given that the foil settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the circuit court for Dunn county. Wisconsin, on the 26th day ol October, 181 viz: Joseph Pickering, who made home-utA ntrv No.

for the eU of swK of sec. 6. town 28, range 13, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resi-dencelipon, and cultivation of said land, viz; jienry urajter, i'cius uowu, v. uuunmii, m.

Watson, or vvestuu, 1S M. FIELD, Register. (hnl A WEEK. S124day at horaee asily made. Costly lb outfit frt.

Address Thus Augusta, Maint WHITE LEAD, OILS, FAINTS dry and in oil, FAMILY FAINTS ready mixed, BRUSHES VARNISHES, WHITING, OCHRE, MINERAL FAINT, GLUE, PEMs: jnire, KEROSENE, OIL CAKE, HICKORY NUT OIL, perfumed for the hair, PATENT MEDICINES, DRUGS, best assortment in Dunn county. FEN-KNIVES RAZORS, warranted, POCKET BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, HOLIDAY GOODS in their season, SQUIBB CHEMICALS used in filling physicians' prescriptions. Orders from the Country can be-writ-ten in English Freneli, or German and. receive Prompt Attention. AW Night Dell Left If andSide of JEn-trance.

GEORGE TONNAR, 9 Menomonie, Wis. TEMCDfflFS BANK. (Organized in 18G7.) Offers all the facilities for the transactions of business that are given by National Banks. Exchange on all points Bought and Sold. Collecting promptly attended to.

Deposits received and interest allowed. Notes. Town and District Orders Bought. Passage Tickets to and from Europe. REAL ESTATE AGENT.

I hax several farms within a few miles ol Menomonie. A number of Village Lots in Menomonie. A large amount of unimproved lands of all kinds in different parts of Dunn and Barron counties. Agent for Rigg's fe lands and several other large tracts. Parties wishing Real Estate of any kind will find it to their interest to consult me before purchasing.

S. B. FRENCH, 43 Menomonie, Wis. ATTACHMENT NOTICE, DUNN COUNTY Town of Eau Galle, ss. In Justice Court.

To Oscar 11. Itoyt You are hereby notified that a warrant or attachment has been Issued against you and your property, attached to satisfy the demand of AZ J. Wallace and William Hammond, amounting to seventeen dollars. low unless you shall appear before F. L.

Barney. Justice of the peace, In and for said county, at his office in said town, on the 20th day of October, A. D. 1881, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, judgment will be rendered against you and your property sold to Pajhede WILLI AM HAMMOND, Dated Sept. 20, A.

1881. Plaintiffs. TAKE NOTICE. Whereas my wife, Angelina Lammer, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, notice is hereby given that I will nay no debts by her contracted from and after this date. PBTEK LAMMER, Menomonie, Aug.

30, 1881. wm During the recent storms the lightning made havoc among the wheat stack9 in Polk county. Also at River Falls in Pierce county, the lightning struck and killed one horse belonging to Chas. Hutchinson, two of J. K.

Currier's, and two hogs owned by Wm. Fisher. The depot Was struck but the damage was very slight. 33 DentalRooms OF BRANCH are removed to Conway iLadrus' OLD STAND, up stairs, just east of Tonnar's Drug Store, Meiiomouie, Wisconsin. $20,000 toloan on real estate security at 8 per cent.

47-tf KELLEY WHITFORD. $25,000. Money can be procured on improved farms in sums of $200 and upwards, at 8 per cent. Interest. Inquire at 28 BANK OF MENOMONIE.

Oct; 1.1881. Spring Stock JUST RECEIVED. REMEMBER PETER The "Boss" Tailor. New Goods, Late Styles, Low Prices. Mv stock of Cloths and Casaimeres is large and complete, and I am satisfied I shall be able to suit all who may come.

Prices low and A FIT GUARANTEED. If you need clothes come and see me. Menomonie, Nov. 22, 1880. Undertaker's Goods furnished at any hour of the day or night.

43Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. WISC OH Sill LANDS 500,000 Acres mm ON THE LINE OF THE WISCONSIN CENTRAJL It. 11. For full particulars, which will be sent free, address CHARLES L. COLBY, Land Com.

Milwaukee, Wis. SilA AOATO LOAN ON IMPROVED MUjVUlM farms, in sums of $200 and upwards, on reasonable terms. E. B. MANWARING.

I $5 to $28 per day at home. Sample worth fre Addresa Sti3o it Ck) Portland, Maine..

The Dunn County News from Menomonie, Wisconsin (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.