Daily News from London, Greater London, England (2024)

CHE fiAJCLY NEWS, TUESDAY, MABCH 8, I8B79 erTili'have any bothsr "Ha never heard her sayTf 3toBastrHs ano Telei-uones. Business done: sent oa you want carry fM 114, Bastera Anglo-American Pwf.i 62; Cuba, laorn's. Mascb 7.1 WEECSSS AND CASUALTIES. Jeanne Bare, schooner, of Dunkirk, bound fo Ai is pjgt (he heripg.wasgdjogrneat 4. p.c.

Mt. 18; TBHStert-j 5 15.C. Mt. 101 andtJEeatSIOi BATEIOAL CASE; AgIOJf AgAJNST LORD LOAI. Tn the Cuaan's Bench Dinsion Vestaiday, ST7QAE.

Thsjcarfcet for beetroot ss firmer, pfeai at faily IJd per cwt. advance. German, 88 per I per ceat.s April at 10s lOMtojT. nnA Tlantnic uromot. at 1 Is Ud.

c. f. and i. Cane fa, JjPWSob sounqejB- In Tkjusways HHRIBB SoriDt Certs, hase'riwa s(2J d'Eu 5J p.c. Dabs, have fallen 1 (97 to 99).

Business dons Bay of Havana Scrip 102J, 1, 2, Havana Kail. 1S86 Bonds, 10BJ; Mogyana (Brazil) 5p.c.Dsl5s., Nitrate Hails. 1st 95, 5 and Ottoman 5 p.c. Debs. 1886 89, 8.

Subjoined are the closing quotations of the principal stocks, with the official record of business done (where no fresh price is inserted the previous quotation stands good) Loehaberslioalictbrinidnif UD.aLlovd's aseot; at Port oi8 General Onmi(U 1 to 226j: 71 'loaaou. Gel "SAT. 6. r'TjjjCf, I MOW. I TTJB.8.

i I I aa aa aa 5 ,1 teleirraplis: Hispaaia, Bntish steamer, Calcutta forlmagn, leaks slightly, and is ropairing ia Port Said harbour. KJ- fMi Sesrdamiire3. Seven men of mm9l-mWr qmetrWhsgs cryStalJlaieS Sfswitim 250 tons cane JaggerrMfd! IBiASiSa steamer, at 6d ex slug, Londan. crystals there is a qtuet, steady market' at pArooiaSf Sinwrl cmais continue dull. Butch crashed is firmo, IQ THE KDiroS OS1 HEWS.

Sra. Ajs Mr. Sagaat makes thfl BSXr 3 and Loudon Eoad Oar, 8, 7J, 8. InWateewobkb, Chelsea has risen 1 (227 to 232) apd BimbgrievS Bba i (105 to Iflfi). JtoSUm Ml and Bertha landed at the West rar, BmpJn, kus morning from too Cominonwealtli, hich colliicd J2SJ done Jfiast MmDeiBi Tasityijjr, letosiisg'Wise) A.B-pKmyVlferJi; JL mmoL- tS.

ls 6d (rf.Sifi' 165. and Soufcwaxk and Vauzball Ord. befo'rs JqSfSMd and a special jor'fl ea of Ingm Eorf Isdale and another waf 'pt "lajcd. teohnpwgr Icghajn, feggri profession as Matoe p*rnlga LbriJ Lonsdale and Misa violet Caiperon td'iMOver damages for breach of opntraot. She defeadsjts glggK! its conaof haa pe' remled consent.

10. anS "Mr. Claj appeared 'for the plaintiff ad Mj. aJui-phy, S. D.

St. MoutaMei.ush'forta!defenSaata. Mr. --WrtUTQSy, too itonraideatthetwtte.liaijhermast laooked down- SSf 100J 10C KSW ISSUES. ocahed nrgood aSnandwt fntt'prk8.

fiOPlTEE. Thansaiketia0riaatfttil dices. 101 101 Cojocbscius mdaam Srie. bt So' ofi after diawngPtg'- 00 sa Cdad 10a ISO otimpany pWjpose.B to carry on tae B8 SSlifl, (U30EED). No public sales of China were held tay the market remains very auiet.

tnsiness of The eapial cyctone between the 4th and Kth'Febrdary in iSnWi biMi three boats smashed, aed sundry other 4ai abTOte Ht; Antiln-inytMrd mtte were tortdoWnBy? 88 88sa 8 8 in ahares of 57. each. The tot issue tot 125,000 shares, op -wtasn it notlntended te cftfi up mgfe t6p JUTE cotttifflies TOthotft Sales 'mm :elimilto.smaUparcebateasieiepriees.," 31 3i iM ilj i mI ii i i'i lU 1 Kgjnp ppenjng the easel said e-defendfiatj were OorfOts (BsHveiy)-Console (Account). KoduwdSp. Cents.

New S3 p.CsiitJ.. Hemiii p. Outs. izcliqr. BiUa.

June (S pr Cent.) HoJJilWia. I p.c Unjiee Paper p.c, 2ap8ePaMilip.c. cer store. S3eamf par 69. nar Ba.

tt Tjb 1063 aS ner mizzenioaab iu AppMeafipns ftora obttntay reoerVed'bjr the gj'st April, 20s. pe-wrHshbiOHa as Spot Sfri5 21s to 21s 3a rettned. 22s 6d. 287 S98 70 Guernsey to porta: of Bartoouth, bas'tnken telestjue ffom fW'tliS will oe conaaerea. Waltee Sho-weil isn Sqps (Ltjeitbd).

The share mnifatl of tu mhiww umgiBtisi? ai 11.000 novel Me pi on wnicn in res nis acuuat agtuuoi tWpunuasefl, is Sis persists in speaking of a sis-shUling novel about one-ftird the length of a Hms; mom iibvel," WSftyW io harm state that Mr. gesaut'sisjkshillinBovel Baa, practSaJly ajfeeifeggrnq eslittence. f'The trade dSee pint' rccSgms one-volume nqv.el as a ssK-BhiHmg hook unles 'ci5jtains as mm. as" at leaafr "twif votffles oS' story and three-fdurtliB of fc" fc shilling novels pablished nowadays are full-aaed three volumes rolled into one. These aid jncfintestaMe Afewof tie jjjost popnla? fiction writers of the day may occa4phally 4arfe to Offer' to the; bookBallerfl and iFpublic a "oe-volume "story thej length 'Mr.

Besant speaks of, but the occasions are few and far between; and no unknown author, and indeed vew good publwh'er (ii such an adjective as good can ba applied to a publisher) who would recommend tie experiment. himselj, whp 'ft jffeffa new slx-Bhilliuig folamebf lifl lsitnitabw stories wisl public, gives them goodjmeasure as nmoh as would fill an ordinsry thlreff-luBie uovel. Ha effief contention about publishers' esorbitani Eflts is based on the calculation that his six-shilling (which has practically 'HP "snore esrietenee than se secret profits'C'dsts K'ld. per copy toproduee; and, as it goes without saving that a work which costs twice or three times aa much for type-Betting cannot 70 J0 iooh 101 xa Preferehce ahares 6i 10i. each, an4: f)rdinary 100U1D1 xd tnSiaSlj p.

TTOPENTEfTB. American spirits, 27s to 57s 34, 17 tmit 1 1 i n-tria. una oiiikciA uhsi (hrrectid td toi-hvtl and f( dud to 32 deg. SMtaSSi 3S 3s9dto 3911833; tbr-ritonths, 39K8 to M02 T2s Bd to 1D3 2s6a 1fiS7i5SS5r Swilly; aisniall Vessel of Si toBS. Wf? Wt S1: ashore at Port' "Hue 14 gse, and to jpsmsin, as "'she on'thert crW sae.

A report iW Iiwd's aa-nt at Mi. TO FosEiaa Pics. 303 snares or lot each. Debenture sfoaK to tne atao, oj 1tK0D0riU also be issiiedrbearto per seat. El WJOum, and redeemaMe at option on or after- jtt'' fcESW- 1a partj-atftOf 'neSflOOf.

sons subscribe apdjsy ic cash for 33,3381. ia stock, infieierenee shares, and to Orftaary WWfW' ahare eapital is bfifered' The company is formed to acquire, wori, and farther estend th? brewery badness of Messrs. Walter Showed fcssd Sonsi of the CSsss msA "SVella Brewery, Qldpiiry, Sear sir? minsham. Tlia biiainesa is also carried on at 32. 1SI lOSad The ilack lines Blcwtte PJ iSKSiSKlSSSSS Tcerto H.a, toT? Argnta.6pc,'Sl li oathe 2od vyith Joss of funnel, boats, igd ia, deoks Kxtieh for Bremen; yitfc ooaoa.pnt iiito Taral, JSt (U3s 102 100, 100 Quiet English 17s 69.

SS(eeFffi!" ordinary nrsi6, 14 fis es ship; Scotch pig closes at 43s cash. JSiECB 7. gutter i-maul at steady-prices. Kasfrieslaad, laSstollia. nJ ffrades.

SSs to 1C4S: ETonoandv. lOOirtS 1181 B.C. tw)l penses, to'a'ccompany the company- into, thfl provmcesfor a periad'of about two rnonths, anato take the part ef the Oreofe in the comio opera entitled "The Commodore." An agreement was signed on Jnne 25, 1 886, and subsequently loraXoafdaJe tW'jirig idssnmejits to plajatiffj' -which he requested her to sign, stating that they were the Bame as that which she had signed The $aintjjf sigued'theW, hut fotlhd that the the' original doeu-raent only included one matinee, whereas the printed ones orovided that the salaries la'W Caiee' Muded matinees and holiday performances, although ao reduction wotdd be made if there was no matanSe. The plaintiS objeoied tq more than one) matinee, mtd spate to Lord Lonsdale shoot it, ho 'said 'heWdatd-'consider the matter. Ultimately he wrote, stating that as plaintiff had declined to fulfil her engageraeat, it was null and void.

Plaintiff however denied that she had ever declined to fulfil the engagement, ana, af terjvarfls e'ipreed'her willingness to go'-dn' under the second agreement. Defendants however would not allow this, and engaged Miss Constance Loseby at a salary, of a w'eek'to erfofm the gjiijj. The plaiatiii aocoringly brought the present iofapn; Maaitme'CjOiTlSlia ifAujsa said she bad be.en; singing in 'Jane last, at the Avenue, in The Commodore," and received a salary of 81. a night- She had a conversation with Lord Lonsdale ab.9ut tt proposed, tour in the provinces. There wa3 a discussion about $he first of all asked 451.

a weak. At last she agreed to siominff an taErreemant to that efieot on the. stage of the Tna "the own, air et o'elock be produced for anything resembling is. seems ra no Mr arsnmanta do not reef; on a -vers arsa uo jjoii is5 up sof a s5 rJo.S&tdltols.; aast.ea.Becls iust.4p.e.GW BtasiUsa, 1885 lid Wharf in addition to -iifhiaS'the firm has i tins morning, jig tasen our oauw 9 100 100 102 100)6 68 sr 8- IQOxd 8 IMirch that' -the Anlca, M'ft ffowfck- sr from Moss, shjp, gom StfSJtte'a, IMen with owls for OeTOpport, tlSSof ISlaiid, ElymouiteSourni, ana staiTenuuns. Kxtentof daiaasystunlqsowir.

LiOHHON AND "MB DOCKS THE VESSELS SO JNIO.ilMephea"fom-GravMena.1 Braiil. 5 pc, '71 Snail. sc. '7a, D346'ooQ1oLb lOOstli was 44? flj? reading em? oar Jw'vJ' 40. The fcs'emBg'poiBt ia '32? FArenheif FOEE0ASTS OP WB Cheltenhab, and other pjabes.

CojcbeboiaIi TJiflON Asstoihce. According to the aireetoraf report tbejfire after proyidinggor qiit-8tandinrloa ana-carrvin(r to profit and iioss, 2 1803 88 83 S2l 101 is dull, fcntrstesare unehaagedj good to atteati3S Dutch quiet at late rates. Bacon: A steady asflietSS visas qnotstions. S.ttmtlS, 7-IP wrist 113. dUaSfeji! follows 21 63; Ebe aaotsbone- were Seariasi'lSQj airdHsi'f fourths, thirds, 98s; foorifcj jff, Masch iSrisk demand, at rSi' follows Italian 'IStrs5 Selected, 7s is-; sslestetiSs: i seconds, 6s; -roiamSs -Sstra-salesW.

'-'i selected; 7s 6d; seconda. -a smill, 5a '6d. BSSS: Best. 6s seconds, 53 Sd. Getmap-Sstn $3 Sd.

ItjTsW per 120 (long huadieai; The following fflrei of weatber fpr this rtje (We 'are pMila'ting that Mr. Bes'snt is reierruig to books wall printed oa paper, and strongly bound.) Also, it ph9uldv.ae,,:remeniltered that toe average cost of a (or' of any 'book) varierconsiderbly of a thouai eopieesiidwlieiisaeditibnSof ten thousand copies ts in question. Nor does a novel bring to the publisher Ss. 7Jd. per copy.fleaying American Bales altogetherout of fee The net proceeds are about 3d.

less per copy. Larger discounte to the trade ure usually allowed on novels than onSais-shilUng books of a nwdfiikcliaracter. It would "be Bn infinite 'mercy (fbr Which vnllisnen couldnever feal sufficieatly grateful) if all the unsuc S54 6K if, 80S Etood'Tat 'flie'end' 'of last' year 'at agitiast RH7 MAI -J. 4.1, IDO fPn. -intawdfennri 07 day issued' from tae B.Asse,1S73.

Ditto 1882 Ditto 1883 Ditto-1 sea Db.eedujaa I. Ool fi 1S73 18SB oy W8(J asaount jq IWV lJ at 8.30 p.m. yesteraay: srspsairt we BBS prswvms Guernsey camarvim uarae, oaieias ravw, 5, fgrsra vMSl 't? SinftWE! Clvmehe. s. Smyrna laxMR 102 104 UU4(Ug la the isarioe aei racfli-psd mere 173.015?:.

bec net soa, aio una 0. Swft-eartsrfir" winds, fair'serieralfe. a ntinoKMjitt. for Mnlwolt Boss- 3oBp.e 1375 D6.4Sp.c.1586j OutetsnHips-, amoiwited to rd-th-erojats of tnJtf'departmeipt the sum of tm been carried 1. SSHti Avenue Theatre.

"Wmm gave bearing out. IALLOW. LospoH, Smiths sad jSmfi report: Tallow market Sot, anil prises quite maijniirS, i Sheep quoted 3es down to 25s per ton'; beef; KisiSaWsaiSi taovidinE: for atstanding ujuoese, sex tt DiUn. Series to prone aoa loss, ana attsr ter statetnen 4 wungfAPi.ws pkuus. ui KefiSn, hi West India BgV afcmm tese i ttir fair-genei cessful novelists in tne38 isianaB were to resoive mum- losses, the niarine fojld stood st mm tne secona agreement or ner ouaaequeui, uppucauuu Cost StCfti 4..

Joss accowst has been with ij. Wanes of loss accowsj has been wrm swace or forpaymenfetb? actional Pf ces and of selves to one fLS rCnrtnn'VSrtfllr astgtfjr Jriode, rasdfjate orlresh; 3. England, B. 4. Ud.

Cpnnties 6. Englaaa, (London and Y.C., 313. i-etroleum qujet; spot, 6d to 5fM64to6id. 'COTTON. Ltpsrpooi, Miech7.

There has Sieai s'jm fair deroaria'at' generally utehanged ftooh-i mttl-m 1 to 2 1101013 dearer. bBt the immovemenl 'KiBi-VfRit. SAentsw the receipt of ft letter frost Lordi cancelling the agreeiuent' on 'the ground that 'she had 'expressed Cosfa Kios.i3.. Bimhi thm. the Jusury of a viou), whosQ missioa vroma to SuliBarforMiBwdl D6clt lair genarauy.

Gsuaiaj'Xettessur, arreyDocltiwtyi? U0MT MMEm y.j Mootas Evswtm discount rates for tares months' bills was to better than fcgto 3 par cent, to-day, the former quotation being tie, usual cliarge, ISitpjiay for was little inquired for, and fiay-to-flfy loans -were obtainable at 2 per cent. (To-morrow large payments to the Bank will begin, and it remains to be seen whether any pressure be pat upon the market. If mot, a reduction in the Bek rate may possibly ensue. At the Bapk io-day the sum of received, chiefly from the Continent. In the silver market bars are still quoted at 46d.

per but the' price is quite nominal. The India Council disposed of 3 lakhs of transfers on Bombay at Is. 53. The stock markets were again very quiet op the whole to-day. Lord Salisbpy's statement pa Saturday of an improvement in international relations acted so favourably on prices at the opening that the old rumour of the serious ill-7 cess of the Emperor of Germany had to called into service by frightened bears." For a time this checked the rise, but final prices ore about the best points touched during the day.

Consols have improved to 10O, 100J for money, and 101, for the account. Foreign Government stocks opened firm on the hopeful speech of Lord Salisbury, but relapsed later, Berlin taking the opportunity to sell. Paris, however, came forward later as buyers, and the temporary decline in prices was more than regained. On balance, Egyptian stocks are to higher, French Turkish Tribute loans Italian, Mexican, and Hungarian Gold Greek and Eussiaa, 1873, and Spanish Fours 9-16. Others are from i tp.

higher. South American Government stocks were without change. Suez Canal shares im-: proved. Virginia Funded bonds have again risen. The committee of the Stock Exchange have deferred further consideration of an application for the official quotation of the New Bonds issued on the conversion of the Mesican Three per Cent Debt, objections to such quotation oavisg been made by the 1 Sol certificate-holders.

Home railway stocks have been put up in sympathy with foreign securities, while the favourable traffic returns on the southern ines have encouraged 'buying. Brighton' A Sacl Dover A have unproved Chlrthani Pref, Great Eastern and 6one others Jto i. 4 large increase of traffic is anticipated oa North Eastern by comparison with impeded" traJSp last year. American securities hay jaovect irregularly, but at the close the changes in prices are mostly favourable. Canadian Pacific shares were bought back alter the recent decline, anj have risen on balance.

Louisville, the earnings of the last week of February scaiying an increase of have improved about Norfolk and West Pref. and virion Pacific shares are higher, and some others to But Denver Pref. and Lake Shore shares are lower, Texas and Pacific (to 28), Oregon and Milwaukeee Grand Trunk ci Canada stocks are fractionally higher, although closing below the best points. Mesican Railway stocks are steady at a slight advance. The ordinary shares of AIlsopp and Co.

are quoted at a pre-jmiura of 2, and the pref. shares at A naarked rise ia Guinness, share? is reqqrde3 below. The Hotcbkiss Ordinary shares (1QJ.) quoted 3 to 3 prem. It is stated on authority that the issue of ordinary "shares has been applied for iojiy times over, and She issuers are understood to be deeply engage iji the stag element before going to allotment. Preference shares, for wMcn' the applications appr to have been comparatively few, are seldom quoted, ad the 6 p.

p. Defeatures are barely ar. Much curiosity is pardonably expressed as to the meaning pi toe teria underwsting" as ap-pUed'tp new issues. The public haya notion that it is a mere trick, by which a circle of financiers get the option to take up ne if their price rises, ana to let them slid upon the shoulders of the public If the issne OTg to be but a 'moderate success. This' may be the casejnhole-and-cneropiaationss but'it was not so in those of the more conspicuous issues oi tiie last year or the Chinese loan, Guinness, more Hotcbkiss.

What the underwriters did in the last case was to agree to take up the new issue at a fixed pric-a Eeto. sSsd 1U tUO Air.ifwiiiimwJ Du.w Channel) 6. SeotUud, W. DonsatK iayeoji EaSaated sales bales; m'oludiug' 2.50Q oa-gwfiB Md export. 'UBW Ameriisan, 4jdd 90 rwmoNF SAILINGS.

71; 83 iC Easterly pnefe fair goneMBy. Oo. Htate Bow etc, ata sou jsd arasae auu waioa, aiu to aithiully yburs. nfa-ni, R. Windeimeie.

Bosario. via Newport! Benbo? Lceara andAracatv.5.3-16d...to63d: 600 EameanrSd EBS.aio8pc35t; Pranfli3o.s.BS 7. Knilna: B.fes,'i&W and' S. Wales 9. lO.Jrelandjg...

Antwerp; Nautilus," Bflteerasm Mmerva, 16P 6ja W8a; JaSWSdj'Jgp? 5 78 108 Same ss Wo. 5. South-easterly -winds, fieahsaing cloudy; and forward to 1 897; and of tiw.t anjopf the diseetors recoipixtod a djsjdend 154JPWf1J0H tier cnt, for the ye4r. SoNctra 6e for the yea 1836, 10 carMng forward 491 f. Tsb KwB''W'rsB WtiVga'.

ThiaScoinpany sold galloas of water during Setaiary, agajmst 20569,780 epons in Eehruari last sear. wsjfes SiwFX os Btibsos Ayees. CJspss receipts for me year 1886, as received by cable, dols. net receipts, at' Jlje par pf i MISOSMiAKEOTJS. ES0HAN3E3.

By telegraph" from Bosihay, Is. 5 19-32d; Caionfta, l8. 6l3-S2d. Shanghai, 4s. 6d.

Hong Konpt, 3s. d. Paris cheqao, 25.o94 Frankfort, 20.42V three toopttS, 20.25; Vienna, 128.50 Berlin, short, short, WOOL AND WOBSIBD. Beadmeo. KtsratlJi unwillingness to comply witn tea terms 01 'eaajjEirjeiit, "although' The denied' that Ihis construction could ba put upon" 'Ker' aobbii.

She sought ai fresh ehgageatteut; bat hid not' been able to obtain one. Cross-esamined by'Mr. Slijrpfij: Witness the part" of the "the prindppatteIt -was not a' difficult part. It ivas sircple, and riot much inusie in it." She should say that an average artiste could learn it in two or three days. Witness did hot tell Lord' Lonsdale that uuless'she' was paid esfcea for every matinfe she" would iiot play.

She old not say that the terms- of tho first agresment were very She did not say' she would rather have an agreement on the printed form used by the company, She.did not read toe second agreement at: the time it was signed. he read the first one. His Ldjdsjijp'eaid ha haOdoted'throuiti 'the agre'enieats, and did pot Sib, I faave read Mr. Elliot Stock's letter with great interest, but I do not think that it quite disposes of the question." I sgree with 'hira that a written agraemant should be "sii put ftoti'beSep anther and publisher 'and where Isa faSr die, and honestly carried' out' by btil parhesi'dJsalreei menfc ia not likelv to occur. udaine by the no doubt t.

OP.T., IOOI Do.Stoipd.B6b wool snatket shows little change to-day. Baip-npels'tosonneMgeiEm train from exceedmg-it. is well SS aggregate cohsdraptton of vrool-must'be att raimd are Srmty JC doiog in Botany wools, and prices, especially tops, atifirkr ipaiotaiaed. Mohair ana' alpaca are turn Jn-tsjee, otint'ofbuaOc-ss is dom? yayos ore taVen manv descn Vara. Ihe Po75p.Cl?3 Do.

SO S3 77 84 119 sbwigeo me that i "r' MqirpAV. 8.30 W- The distribution of pressure pves our isSancls to-oay the pret'suttig yiids aaaffssther. have not antered materially SnStVqse of A lar tettoyclonib system has iem'iinea afmost stationary over the neater" ptf JSmm BcoSsud; apd thflNorth Sea, and obB- easterly winds save previuled in all Bie more eauthern 1 districts. In thenriometer lias riof "all day; as agup taaxiMuKi of 48 Sunosy. 'At six o'plock Qiis evening frnr was safl upwards, in an auti- iwrnn g.q 3SJS Rnnirifrr of firm.

If this portion of" hia vision shonld' ever "be UBSuan Mexican. 1884 raWtnrarM'-catt sTtoera'tb'aateie ti) latc4tcofs3 this tends to check busioeiis. dematfd; arid the prices realised are piece market is 5uiet. Eurchases are WHSmgii Sosara4Jp7 '103 mimes. p.c, realised the membe'rs'Of that Ann will sincere ana ptofouad' sympathy.

For there wiij'ee rOuch tribulation There is probably, no larger ainoorit of eny, hatred, and all uricharitableness jp She; professiop. of letters than in any Other, "1tt iriigine, Sir, feelings n-f f'hn maiorilv of unsuecesaful inembers of the ladywas wrong in being 'cautious, but reading the Ogreatnents as a matter of law he was not sure whether the maftcees in the second agreement would not be controlled by the'flrst. Some discussion took place here us: tn the form of nleadina. and Mr. Murphy said the I cyclone lying qvks wuiuswi oeii I l4Ljn'3'MleMOier Spin and the south- 7., YaWeuiar, XiBan fliars, aiw-itadt; WolSa7 sj'Stettin fioUandia, Harlingen.

HOME ASBIVALS. March's. -Eagtn('s; ffsmagona Vanguard, Tal- cahuaao lioore, AtohMa; Oald, sTBtsck fica; Stof eort'-CABD3F. March 5. IE B.

EppTeton(e, GlemBalns, s. both BaW Clydesdale, Bordeaux Pnmrase, Ljereaulx, s. bott Bilbaa. DEAL, MtC-6: 'a, -BoMwux; Zane. Bilbao 'GMicio, 7.

Card gw Case, Melbourne vS March si ton, Bal- timorBAiaiOtftS, March 6. Off. Maroh 8. Dwina, s. Hamburg; Nepttmei Bouen; Noithcote, Bilbao.

March S. John Bedhead, lafcanrog Lebanon, uelva Hdarado, Messina; Bravo, s. IftUri New York OdwOe. Qothep-buHt: BoUo, Chnstama; Vallejo, ABtatia. JJUiH, March 6.

Bona, Cppenhsgeni Kmghonl, Boedam; Coblens, sTltoibutg; Altyre, Aqtulas eyrenan, Alexandria Benevolent; jOnauda, s. CarthaRena: Francoli. s. Malaga Gifaifyiie, Oran Agar, Bio Grande Genoese, Cattbasena; Brufers, s. atacis.

1. Merlin, Huelva; Borida, Newport News Aleppo, ConstantiBOgle Ceole, Bordeaux; Lisbon, Oporto; Inehcape Beck, SaO lcisco. NEOTOBI March 5. StAMBagasa, boa Scheldt, Bordeaux. aCEENSXOWN, March 8.

Kiandra, Aatofa*gast "Valparaiso Balaton, Batavia. 7. Emlairsan, Bragomestre Australia. Chenbon. SHIELDS, March 8.

Norge, Bergca Bilbao gol-conda, Huelva Olga.s, (SbiSQ; Munin, Qothett-borc. 7. Tola, Nerai, Norway Yarnl, Bio Manna. SWANSEA, March 5. Crystal, Boscofi.

7. Bhuvelenn, Kilhan. to 63Vft tortogejp.c MosuAir Evehiso. at 14 lemperatrare was highest, 58 at Kocbefort, 61 deg. Fie-h.

rtnn A7 Am a tirA Vainntjfi leftt. fenjTiaa p.r. Ditto H)EJEHGN SHAPES. BX i plea 'was one of mutual reeission, and his point was that thn nliiinfiff had refused to be bound by the oontrscf Alturas Alraada Sdwlan.1822... Do.

44p.o4 2G Asia Minor Ditto. 1888 at ChnsSapsuud, 33 dej. at Sfcndesnaes and aeder, and 40 deg. in London. Wind wss northerly on the eastera shores of the North Ses.

but' easterly or north-easterly over England, Ireland, una Erancc, and southeasterly in Scotland; fresh or strong sn fq'risi at several of par western and soutliem stations, with a Ballaghat- Mysore dia par 60 Balkis 70 Sns.4s.o.N.S. S3 95 Do.6p.Ck, T870j name aceouas, aau wax vct-y wiagsa.nesi-port. Machinery, however, is fully emplcJeoV; -prjia! seam aid iinsatisfactory. 1 XjANNBL. jEwcHDiiK, Maecb 7.

Buansss -su cab; smaU dfmeasibaa. Manufacturer! are plated ia as" WWaU posion. Wool eopjinues to hardee, yet ifiaasiafetiBSStlsS their quotations upon asafebasisitwouHmnstojipjliiisi ness, and to take orders at srices loss. Manufacturers seem mcline4 tosfsitiaiajaagiasi1 must give out orders. Manufacturers a more freely now 'that the HOPS.

Bosocqh, Masch I. Sfsssrs. Bates, WSfe md Morgan report $he hap market Tsassins change. Bis flner.dasses of (hops are 6s most dssSSSt Sai fiomelotsof Weald of Seats sad Susses ftavs peas ap very faUvalpes; outon the other arithepartbr holders cf the lowest quslitiej of BsphSSSB way somewhat to meep buyers; Baysftsn sBdssatiss Sffl geS and the same ma; be Alsace hops. "Bast Bents are worth Si 4s 'tc 154.

Kerits, 2l0s to 5 T2sf Weald of Keats 26sro3(teft 90 aisa 85 84 Uo.ap.c, soi eiv Mulatoa '-i Mysore fl3 Do. Gold Fields Mysore "West Mvsora Gold ijovBeefe a Nine Beefs Hi Nouvea'u New BS.Wynaad Nuodydrooy 1ft Organoa' Db.6p.e 83! 11 Do. 6 s.c 92 iiM. 83 1 4,0 6,0 240 81 S2 AP 4,6 Dtt.4JtpA.3J, Do.3SftX-CE; Vfeatber-was dull aud misty on our sonth-west coasts and also in London, bat fair or'fine felsewhere. Sea w6 rough at Sqlly, but moderate to smooth on other psitS of o'as'ceSstS.

The barometer is now rising steadily on the eastern shores of the Nortfc'BeJi hiie 'ft is siting aDgKtly over our islands anticyclone JS Bpparenuy raortng Slow firm -who will have to' stand by and see the common capital experidej: in dieplayed advertisem*nts of the works'of 'their successful brethren arid partners! Will not Jones, whoso brilliant three -volume novel has, somehow, fallen flat, be inclined to say that it has not recsived'the of the fortuitously successful sonnet of Brown entitled My Mistress's Eyebrow Authors aay, Iqr'the'sRke of this argunieut, bp divided into two classes'. Ntjrhher one, the novice or amateur, whose work the public would not buy to save his life, but who must see "his' darfin'S oSsprin'jf in print on toned paper arid bun in'" olpth letraredi- and who is wiling tb pay'for -jfi? feen delight. JNpiier two, the author whose work possesses monetary value tor himself" ahd publisheifJ The cannot bees-pected'to miritater to number one's vanity for nothing, and as, publishers must (I fim sme Mr. Besant will not plagia rise Dr. Johnson and declare that he does not see the necessity the Author must.

pay the profit the trabliaher demands on papsr," prihtine, binding, Bantam 1883. 91 SO DilSoBP.o.Ml.; 170 Co-Quieluilwri HOMB SAHJNOS. AVONMOUTH, D.K., Mtch 5. Warspet, Ssrauaes.Tr Mardti 5. Scaramango, Pert Said: Elsie, Cape yerds: Treneglos, Post Said; AHerwash, St Helens; Evaline; Qeaoa; Cbarlau, Oaliippe, 16 Bonnie Dundee CaJiforolaQoldNw.

Cauadittri Callao Cape Carlisle Caatiilon Chile Gold Cumberland Bay Ebflibardt EiGaHao Empire frontou) Goiapsu ereatZaroma Hoover Indian Coasol Kaiga Tjl Trinidad 1ft 2S 10J( 4S(. 71 Ad 10 Sue Can4 h. Bitto; Ditto, 3... WUo. ..4...

eastwards, aid a graOualSMft of wma to tnesouaiaartwEro seems 00' bur-southern coasts, however, easterly breezes are Ubar' loi" weather. MAIL AND STEAMSHIP JPWS. aflsoit Llovp's, Mabcb 7.S AKYAB, March 7. Tiverton, forlToited Kmftdoni, left MascU 7. Tycho Brahe, from Biver Kate, arrived yesterday.

BATAVIAV Msrch 5. Bnlimba, for Briebitne, left to-day. -qmpfiA-Pj isarsh 6, Argosy, for PhiiadelpHSii, left to-day. BOMBAY. March 7.

Tasmania arrived this morning with is 133S1 13 6B 70 Orita Potbai aueeu. No. 2 EliiTihto Bichmoad Susill Santa Barbar, Santa St John del Eey SocorroCotd Tranavsal Ootd 0rUon Gold yj.ctorjf SEEDS. Maecb 7. Messrs.

John Shaw and SffiMee? mercfiaats, of 37, E.C;, write that th vrnte having lately been so highly favourable for field nowanactiresbwiris denrand for farm seeds geeeaSR AS regards values no change 9f iinportaaee can be 90ttftiS48 aH round staHd at a tempaagly loif level. WhitsSSwaSs somewhat dearer. Co red clcv slats, seeds move off at the' wts AttBMttJrWl season. Bersamal and 2Etafian rye grasses sreSratlo an im'pojv inquiry for sp'npg tares, whieh ara'ssitttsmJj ingly ciesp. T'ta bird seeds the sale is very JSmaip Ottto SittO 1ST.) 131 "mi Lordship I shall tell' the jury that unless they are prepared to find that Mme.

D'Anka, Lord Lonsdale, and Miss Violet Cameron mutually agreed to rescind the contract tor good considerations, they must find a verdict for' the plaintiff. That is the. law, and you know'it, Mr. Murphy; (Laughter.) Mr. Murphv asked leave to araend to the effect that the plaiutijf refused fo be bound by her ai'nepiept, and claimed to have payrlient' for every" matinee, and that defendants thereupon rescinded the contract.

Mr. Kemp objected. Eis Lordship refused to amend. It would, he said, be yey n'nf air to the plajntiS to do so. Mr.

Murphy said Ee was not in a position to prove that the plaintiff did agree to 'the recifeibn of the contract. His Lo-dship What do you say to that, 35r. Kemp Mr. Kemp Well, I am entitled to a verdict. His LordshipDo yon ask me for it Mr.

KernpJ didn't know" eiactl whether the time has arrived for it. Hie Lordships-Well, if you, gentlemen, thinfe it wortt whiTe to takaa trial on what I consider an ia-Material issue, I Cannot help' myself. If either party choose to apply to me I can act upon it. Mr. Murphy said ha felt it his duty to call his evidence, and resumed the cross-examination of the plaintiff, who stated teat she did' not aay to Lord Lonsdale on tho Saturday that anless she -w as paid extra for each matinee she would not go op.

She didnpt remember his lordship saying that it would be impossible to give' her better "ternis, thou those given to other She did not remember his lordship "saying that all the artistes except Mr. Roberts were engaged for performances a week. She did not use these words, I must be paid for my matinees or I absolutely refuse to go." She thought she asked as to 'ths travelling expenses of her maid before, and not then. Lord Lpns-daleraever said that her" cojidact' placed him in exposition greitdifSoajty, and that' if would ba extremely difffisult to ll'iip her plice'at oishort nitice: He did not say; I unaerstand, aesn, that ybujwon't go?" arid she 13ft eo 8AT ft 10U 80X 27 30 9H 8V 95, 11SS 1 BS 1 "54 13U 331! 48jf, UmsuajVoio, gjrgtsiaNiEnw 8i 68 88 B2J(! TO 3 39 and the commission on the sale; say of five copies to the author's cousins, and aunts. Aiithojr number two is a horse of ourfe anothBr and it wofld certainly seem; that bis 6s equal to that derived by the publisher, who should not make a profit on the ptodustion of the book unless the author should bp permitted to.

charge for pens, inki paper, rent of study, lights and' firing, boots of refererioei and stimulants, whether the 'latter take the shape of change of air -pr straw toor. Qne fact should not b'e fbrgotten that publishing is a complicated business, apd dees not consist only of producing tho book arid selling it over the counter. Only those who have been indebted and -where is the successful author wbo has not? to the skill exerted by the puplishefSQib art of "pushing," can have any idea of the elabSrata nature of a publisher's business. LaBonKrlyD The above quotations are supplied by SJessrs. Seward the outwurd Londoa mails of the 1 Sfh ult.

OSTOSiMaicE BiumafrtmBamburg, has arrived BEISTOL.Mara City, from MewYorlt, arrived to-day. BSO WHEAD, jSfarch 7. Indiana, Philadelphia far Liverpool, passed 10 itao. to-day. Wyio, MoSite for Liverpool, paaaeq at noon to-day.

CALICUT. March 4. Cyclops, China foriLonaon, left to oioaiE- and 7, MoNTiN-A. During'Feb'r'uary the total weight of ore crashed was 6,036 yielding dpTs. Oliajog Savonai Fountains Bespo iohu Hoeuey, jjsoao.

6. Arcadia, BeriaPffV EUiaaj Astiawa WpKMfe, Bog. deaus Caerleou, Cadiz'; EvcnUs, Port Said Wood, Madeira; Alessoara, lhornjEus, Bombay. DEAL, 2toch 7. Dr.

Wi, Marr finique; Oueeo, Bib Janeiro; Teresa eaajeardj; Buenos Ayres i Ispwing, Bordeaux; Bioga, Xisboa; Prince Oscar, Melbourne; Ada Beard, Eosarioj Berwi Treport; Anna Brauschwefe, Sautos. DUNDEE, March 7. Active; Davis Star, Greenland; Sapbire, Riga. GBEENQCK, Carl Gerhard, Bio" Janeiro; Choice, De'merara WBhelm Mack, March 5. Oporto iVerdauoi, Gothenburg.

March 7. Bavcaspiir, Teniae. HtTLL, March 6. Ateaao, Christiama Borneo, Qothenbure. 7.

Brato, Beval EjOsOw, Trieste Miloi Stettiu DsiKig. KVBBIvOTj, March 8. Senator, St; John. 8. Bute of Westminster, Newport News Colon, Barcelona V3o, BorHand igppfte ran, Hiliiax.

7. aieeii' of -England, ClcntS BBana, Savannah1; rTor. Hafifai Enchuitter Wry, Buenos NBWBQBSf.MON., Mareli 6. Bicnmona, ia Bstaas; Carlok, Ss ffeuoa; Acupa, Ctenoa Esparto, JKalaga; Nelson, srTeaibe Eslynen, Mauntana, BarJona Carl fl. Molted Aagerton.

-Calcutta-: -Stalwart, -vKb" JTsneltoi SBIEUDS. March S. Aviemore, Palomaxes Hotepw, Mshiga.1 leghorn; Teaice, 7v Aa-man; Autofogpsta'; Edtnondsjey, SiXeirn; Sfegspore, Jsi; Wmthorge, ContM; t. xmm, SBATMarch -Broughton, Monte Video Sea Eoaro, Bsenos Ayres; foiigia M.i Bosaos Ayres Elizabeth, Caps-Yerds. BOBESK ADEN, March 8.

Cardiff. CAIjCTTTTA. March 6i: James "Naples Ateosy, Gerioa.BQMBAY, March Empire, sj Newport, BffiBBANE, MarA7. fleneral Bnalmoat, Sort eiBEAL'CAB. March 7: Cralgtonrs, SenOa Bsne Hsad; Siun.Oilrat.; Satniaay.

workiijg expenses fpr, Jhe rn'onth were do(s. 129 ...1127 from 128 i E. moniU's return niu tone or quartz joAiiva Auere twite wis tbetfadeforbbfli bremt- 'andsMiag ccrSt'-i'Sa prices. The fresh supplies of English eat die condition generally Is tlie eountri tffjdtagft rule from the exfeems of late rates to' Is advance for the weeK -AtMari-lana Mi in New York quotatioiis ah the decreius' prlimm visible supply gave farther: support to iairKK5 clissdfum at apartiairfse Of 84 rSt Honrroetabewsr wAmeJsttfawp! last Monday's prices was obtsined, ''ttgWfeBBtgHHBW iSdeCidedTf ftoner, Wifh more aote.m'wato'! shipmesitf 38s paid, and13ctb6er ZlSmmmSgW 39sbia. CanadiannearliltestSAr ClubVMaichlWsff; havipg consiBued'nneatrftoepweesfsrw nub healtSv nrorrESS.

tSmwHiM. ii3ji im H4 tj 1143S 1K 144 146 lio, iiet Do. PwJ. CANTEHBTTSY, SfsrcB msauj few Liversooj, arrived oa mine produced 990 'bTrn'cea 'ogoia," im Xim. Yield Traits LAledoniaa 97X 97 5T Theatrical managera are, I believe, by soma persons I he'Sju 87JS 87 2lg 22S 21 -ft1 -COIiON.

left to-iav. Marah S. Carib dwwvov 1 iChatluaa H. Hi bui no on has', at anv rate as vet, flwlirtriloa.i, bean, from Liverpool, arrived to-day. COOBZEaWKV March 7.

TsjiittTeno, from Lcndon, hss arrived. for fTsst Indies, arrived off yesterdBy to embirt mafs; 11 102 B8 100 that publishers should display a like high-niinde4 self sacrifice. I obedieritly, QHASLlS aiasgtraiSJEj great Easteio 6S i 854 66 -SraK. -Cactiheat tss no at. Dlild; 97.f8 Bo; 3001 productions are favourable.

So occurred'iri gnnduiA srwroasaesMs 133. at. -Vveatem. may the. actual ina and 3 18 ef gpldl6ti9B.th; 375 puneei'' BOAD OTP-' ESTS.

As iqja8e ill bofE Jhe itog? WjJ exports fpj je shown. In amports, the value 6f wipJalsst wtoth wa crease, eoiBbared' with February, 1 886, is or 1 p.p. ia gsporti; wibed at the incresse or the or nearly p.c.Y reckoned oa thelowes total of Febriiary '0. Ip the mailt the increase in imaorts is under wheat dia not say xes, was 33 wnas you ar -io unasr-stana." 1 Be-examined by Mr. Kemp She received a letter on the 26th June from Lord Loaadale and Miss Violet Cameron declining ''trayeHiAg.

expensaa maid, 7S ib); tfie snot; and" Black- Bea rgbes' 0BBSSgM NO 11 mits rriimmted With ihe-fto MdMiv 'ttUtabl smtfr DQlSjarch 7. Borderer, London for Bostaa, via HaU- 114 135 10' 139 SferfJ Piefsiicl .63 par less a commission, luat is case tji public idnotv fully 'subscribe. The trustees we refused' to part" with the concern unless a ceriais selling' price were solidly guaranteed. As it turns the guarantee was superfluous; bnt thj underwriter's get their comiidssioa all the same. They have not sjipulatad, however, for" any preference in allotments, and wl get' no 'shares unless theyT apply as fraa putjHcfc' El one qf the other cases mentionad a sjapnlatjoa the kind was inserted, and members of an SjioTes-writing syadicate will sojaetioifis so.sk a Ijtan profit'by iftfiiwig and'nsing tie prwUege'se take each is paj "foe.

imderwritfeg varies irj various to standing' of the gijrties cop'wip i is the best safeguard azwnft anfsij 99 35Y, 36 Do. QIUt4 For itrlval hosalss re'liaaSBire altered. Oats arrived modeialdttrTOteMSS Wheat. 1.061 1 barley, 1,841 imlSWmgm fax, passed atrmidaightyesteraay. VM' -GLASGOW, Marcli 7.

Prusslaa, from Boston, sndHiber-niari. from Hiiladerpbis, from Bombay; feft'onSth lnst. afarch for New York, left to-day. GRAND CANABT, March 5. Sh'erbro, from "West Coast of Ajriesi passed today wfth maUs 'and pBasSttifOT-far Liver 11083 108 108J6 35M 388V 38JS1 38 38J4' 77 81 my'tatti msEam.

3838 88589 122 122S Midland 125 malt. 150: oats. 515 Fpreiga mesv peas, BW)f GBAVB9ENB. March from Bombay, ondJ Dora.a.or. 3S 3354! 1B1 Nortb laaSera 181 iS 82-- HI" OSi but 'C0i3Benting to her singing af concerts so long as the engagements did not interfere with business of thefiomsarjy.

The plaintuTs solicitor waa called to prove thatTat her first interview with him the plaintiff had not a copy of the first agreement, but his lordkhxp fboagMf we point immaterial," and'ths 'plalntifi's case was concladedl Mr. Murphy, on behalf of the defendant, coniende 'WaB 'iiot' broTEea'lof the purpose of making money, put that the contract' of the aefendsats hidoeen tiirongh'ou' It; wS' Bhowh ap'ttjtentioii the oft the Saturday raorniag, anne ZBtb, she reoeivea a letter with -regard to the-taaidl aad'-the sniginB 'al xjOncertsj holpe' thit the onr woiud be a on' and that thelaiBtffwOaia LrdtaneMewasno4aoii tftetreeTpsiiion 'the radriiiog.o'f the 26th anfae it was'-iavideoths was satisfied With'We' contract? It was tua interest to canv- o'ut'ih'e contract asMdmB. d'Aiiks rious trails Of Ixwk-publishing there can be tittle 'doubt that accounts furnished to authors aro, as a rule, lamentably incomplete. Nor will anybody interestedia the Subject do "smce'rely thanKMr. Besant and hi? society fcr'theirphilarithrOpid efforts bru.

ftbout an improyenient of affairs. Business is business'ail the world over, jiid why publishers should enjoy' "the" privilege" denies to other cjasses (doctors ekcepted)' of igrionrigaetails is an enigma difficult of solution. To give a recant persaiaal esperi-eaco'." I paid a compajfatively Jarge 'surii fpr advertises a literary veriture but the Statenieat received caMrpa83eO'over'thtl' iteiri Surely I btff sjgot to sjoy? ifh'ere' this monev west? oo'Dscientiovi's accoiintent mitm the reason why or every entry or omission Igf ceptjqnajjy -4s to Mx, itfmmm Mpji BesariJ that he is cfcieUy the ajnateur authorsf champion a distiridtion by the way 'that jatlairiaii repadiatss therS afo' Worse causes tbsSi meit' fG bj espoused, espaciaUy in tbs interests of It BsiswW dfiintarestea kindness that dnrin? his exastine labours in an honourable field qrs. jtmt, a ni SlrS over abundant. Watoorga, "from- Calcrta, passai to4ay for the Boyal Albert Doci.

GBEENOCK, March 7. Arabia, for Bombay, left to-day. HAVANA, March London erand Canary for about 6 yesterday. -v March 7. La BourgogBei frtttp NeWTprk, arrived 8-sep yictor, and Bort Augusta, tif)NttMRi-VAiy'swfetszl; E0fii; JifiSiitABuJEalo, fromjfew tasii amvBdyestes- ana cotton, ApieKba bfiing'ifet cgsgs the supplier of the surplus.

"As regards export, tbe irxcre for Wmms is largely" "sptim gopa '(poi so esolusiv'eiy to Iffto in in the aggregate value of iron and steel, of which AmenraThas Wifta augjfieatect q.uantitie8 of; all bu? -ed-plates, is less perceptible than the inerss8e--22 jer seat. ia (quantity weit. fti fllowipg are the ugual eijnimarjies The traffic jsaiurn of tj5 Ednsonj, Brhjfpn, una ooutn woasi xtaiiway xoe wis shows an increase Of Eastera OUEjass Sloiiaay'STaies'-KBrB BaeKun oiUhwd 'n-sliffpii. OS JSi.t-. hWV JsS ATia Uai The Corporation of Glasmif GEOSSE'S SOUND.

Marah Valetta. from Lon- SeiStHs; 8, laverpbol Binalib, Stall. MAAsBy, (MADASASCAB). ap. 21.

SeoWsb Chiei, MsjseSEleS. NEW' TOBH, March 7. Tolmsr, eoenbW; -ODESSA, March 1,. Trevean. CoiistaatinepteHtLA-DELPHIAi' -March 1.

Hartbum, SOON; March 5. Bed- (iinet, "S17E3 CANAL, Match 7. At Bort'-Ssfd Brra Strathmorei BenarSi Cardiff catetc. Wmi IrsvcBey. Cardiff." At Stttezi Elsa, 'March-6.

Westetgate. Beb. 28. Dryads luihbus, AKTAB, March 5. liveWoa, United ffingdom.

March Aiipsy, MarS ST VIDEO; March 4. Albany, S. BANGOON, Jfjoeh '7. Gltneaalin, TJhil)3dingT dom.T-SUBiS-CANAIifPorD March SreHSr, a LONDON CTJSIpM HOUSE. March Biver lagan, si' 35afieuze, BstBsWte.

Tier, TJittleaud Joaurfoai fneti Watherjej aniCdij'Cay bf Agtsi's, 'ftfalft' Moatapmene sq4 City Brussels, rabmaS'SadSons; Spm Ham-Surg; Horselydown, DroleDvanx ana Bremner. March Sti K. WharfcG-. Kehn' and NeffiihrWasser, Hajjaver Hole, Tegner, Srice; and' Bivev Dgwent--sj- Temeuie, Wm.foryanQranje, mniatna: a rih: Churi3iWard and Sons: PrWabottt ihessmeaa on dsy we QggiSg ts lif5SWaWBtiyto. Today.

HWU; una zrrriDt) Airarav Ttra-At a it tut a is, tenders for of Glasgow ttotoiaHon Irreemable stock ISfSaiSemA Phrstes, for Bombay, Mverpopl' "ylS Mar- I. iaffosja spjBK JFessiGif act Basrjgs arrived to-day; 'f. Werheai WK for' seillfiai'left BOrd.10S iNE gfiBBOIJB. Match T.rrStata of Nevada, for New hsfd'slayed tta' oa'i'9 ft ww desirable that she shonld go. yiith the 'comgejiyi would have fo to provided for aiy: other artiste.

There wa? no diSerence between the sgrSe-Mnnta aintf-as to What had taken place the plaistuTs he vet Bnds fame to ossr haBa and heart for the benefit 1 votfc irf at e.3D-.ra. xeifa9Jrer. of hisless'sujMful felfow'-worKersi'be they amateur 1 jjtSCKN; Ittteb 'SeaewlBtwd at 8 pan. to-dsy with or professional; Aiid ia-'ihe'matteif I the 'f8a? WW wsltoftwh--'Jt8'mW AtlantiBlatL. KinMnff the Cafol." IHs Ht.rr, 'Dsliar.

'Sha -bsinRs' 281 DaSaeafera'saa a from prtblisherSj have net the two ranks of ospisats an llffjt-, jsfyBB. CentEsciaaSh iago3SU. eo'il ttiMf'-f "fSrTja CRrf. 'W, nM elrtiFTw At'fthHnt at' 3j pier cent, per annum, payable iHyeMy onNovmrJl and May-la. Jfe' soHum price oi issue Hs'ldll.

10 The issu wil! sums of not less than nd any amount offered in excess of tat Sum ust baa sji of PabiSi Mascb 7. ClosJjqg prices, 3.10 p.irj,-3 pes sent'Seistos, money, 80.15; 4 per coat BsntWj nwaeft 188.671, 3 p.c. perpetual "Bent" 5CC(jt; aeconflt, HSm.l r8 pA Italiacs, account, Ss.Bo Orfdit accountj Ottoman 'Ssni tfe acaJftSfj ataa'WeM, account, IfrUtoA FriSO andprices as Ditto Pref. ss 7B: 37 Sjtf 1E3 115 v-'Zir- 101k ima r. Hi -it S3lsjf 4- SIX 34.5k' memory was inatjcuiBte.

Itfrtf Irise was bretsred to contraSiet thS1 evidence of tm tWw jhatshe refused to perform her part of toe sgreerdeifit, aud said ee Would: not': every Thereupon the dfep.dauf8' 'enged Miss and wrote1 'to (the pialn'tUtin'thVtoruS which had Wnrre? to'uj'eyidepc. Ba'lrdiimpsaid'tpat upon that issue he did not fhink there wsarany case for the jury, as be could ask them a question quite oupade tlie issue. The lniieni was executed by Tod to 4T2dr -g CBd 73 The Centeal 4iah ISawwat. Onr j3t. fisjSSJii' rrrild 'fes of the Central Asari 'Sailyvay, frqatiw of Bojakraj and will immediately cjnrttwics he'cons'trocldbn oTfhS Mantbof SabroarF.

lacresss. Decrease 1886. 1887. 360,886 of -'-food anff drXus, 717,818 S.89454 ifiiam Ditto, autiatOs 68,020 13128 1,16924 4.t3toafcals, Dye- eiuSa. and Taunms 703,485 881JS8 I 326,827.

B.Ofls 643,616 8. EawMaterials-for 'tBxtJSetnsnuJtuVflS 7,309,608 sundry induetdss 2,183,738 1,820,213 343,525 8. HaautactftreiLlr. tides 4,428,283 423,038 .94,808 1.18WS4 hmW value Ji 86,621 sKozaaMw.i'uia MaasSrbom; S. 'atoterdam," Brewer's Ouay; "EiiUipps 'and carga, meladisg '15-eaS'bkeor 81'bsrras fiifSies, Health pa- boffil -eassttent.

Bill of heth fremBttBia cTean, -epffieimo adtness." 7. Anselm) emifYBMUMfrfM'ttsd-tefiSra tfutJsfc Ma. J.Bjrmja, -fr6ii'Nw York, and Kansas; from arrived ip the Mersey yesterday. -Bedeis ajniiveft'ra'-BwBiawBBi Newport News; amrea is the Mersey liZABD, -7. Maroorii 'Icndon for Cardiff and Jamaica, passed at 11 .40 toay'Bri'crowa'loBdon for Boston, passed stS.15 a.m'.

foday. Bennjnria," Antwerp for Kew'Taayjiisai at40. rifl3LPw'lmSff' for Beaang, and BsssKf'BsDgciMiTH Bremen, haw passed. -i MftBSlIpf(Fft March 7.Aacana.- Cslcatta for Plymouth "MBlBOUBNE, March 7. Garonne, fionaon for Sydney, arrived yesterday.

giasgow for New Yorlc, IastweeKianaoS sheep amsnw. 35: bsrelv' last wsetfs ig.SlS Dno3S.Sl. (W 133' 'ocStMwraK) mas' Graves: AsMord, BatnmoreKtiiiwity AM BA" WlTrtrttlL Gld Rhom relL and Waiiaas; Petrel, SiHampuS, efln-VW 83, account, iomfcara Kiuiwsje, account, ivf.fo Barmy, s. Bbden; Cottotrt WwgLSBrS 33 3iH ttu, Hamburg-; Hermitage Craveh and T3s. Serintss, 3, urr Egyptian oivsiieticeoaat, was iJ-Sif; 4' p.c Spanish, account, raj.c; BuasutM.

1 677, aceonnt. r93i '4' -Suosfsrian' Gold 115" I IS 15: ii6 nejf 5J -18- sheepT 18 Americaa vs 387'caltle WJ7(H quteters of5efi MAiica.1Sie 18 iJV'shemifea Sento. monv-. 77 5 Qteejfe mutual cousem. uiumanuy, airarasnpg ix, iiusu.

SS J6r3sW-' said "5evwdula "tio'i atop'fee casei'bttt woaldask the jury whether the plaintiff 'refused to carry -out thp terms of the agreespent. Sjfif. 'sfurony, asJd'tliat Madarae" iFAnka had' been playing thesirfc "of fte Creole -prior ifmie, Haaw har "as to hgc and ultimsiely tfcefirst aaree- ii lit 47 Jf 47 49 k- Pi I Js A7'4 48 3f 101 10S 100 102 nana, a'resa vtr aodria; M.D., H. Ctakson, and Co. Salisbury, s.

New W.I.D., H. Oiarsaoa apdi Helvetia, Kewxork, akea'Sandefs; Macduniia-CcattSj Irvine, and Winda, Stone State "Owen Beeffl; Nicholsons Wbaif, A. Howden, and Coresir, Eotterosm; 'Midland 'Bwy. mart, J. Oweo Delabole, Antwerp, Bmonffler, Sawer, Mead, and HBf HBfcgSJSB.

Wtoa 5.T-XeSnMmflale left to-day. 80 601 60 61 Bo; lisp. N.SacffldExef.1 so Bbbhn, Maacai 7. Closinf; pricesj2.45 p.c. Jmssiaa Csnsols, 71; 5 t.e, Eussian, 1862, 94.60 5 p.c.

Bsfflafe7TS71i-7S, Asntrian Credit Shares, privsto iseeant, Eussian Paper Boublea, 179.40. Cobtoeahos Sxoeits. Susiness done rBinnjogr I menf was entered into. -There were iwo copiesi-' ahd 4S I 19 67-" 103 Q. Essoins 'OF "Barnes and Kiss 3Ppodtjot 4B0 19 19 E9i 'STifflt: "BfiTjKiMnAiHt.

Mabch7. Bur SJffinWfJfl SOSOAlfS. JttASUa WICT if he bad writteii'it own 'hatidj 'Wis was1 the most binding eontract 'she" hai ever hacf; 'He asked anything -'she 'objected to 'in it." She said Jndfc'tcg-. Havre, waseins iw, T9 ban. -lea Bnitol 101 v' Noitfcghans, renS.S)8'ih-" Louis 6 8.

19k! IOSsS; 104 Portsmouth p.c, 89; and Wolerhasajtftn, trade. S3 ea to izs; tkiu, J.SSlBKMi dj gfl. railway tnpu uw Lmwiy "rp holy towi 'Simian, in the, reached. GenVral "isrioff w.i? a maa of fifty-fye years pf to of' "gouri energy, and hope he' fs 'atoost idealist, despiter' his 'gray hafis; hjese years ago he jaanaed a beautsfel ydang lady, twenty years old nember of rich SetSlW fiMy We. "The panljal' ABi'au General' Alsnenkoff states, "is a'weirfe' for" tho 'SwaStof peace, 'tis.

importance" wijr''jneiaty 6a owfl in' tima peace! hut 'of coane it wUl also ba. of good' use ift tains "of Wftr' in Witiiin a Borip'ls Of years, the immeaje BussjEui wmi faotnre, Cheneral AaseijjS tn-driced, become Mmpietsly mepenjenf of i Iprepi aajltets great plantations of test American' cojtdp. wliph hsyj been ivia "in'tbA Terghw territory (tie Southern proyinoe of M'''iistn'isj ais'p paBOWb'arid Khiva, aiwhich are pwhed forward with tna greateSi energy, wp supply the Sussian cotton nmnufacturis af it Genaral Anenioff stfttesftat 'eVeQthiBis ready in Bobsara red idibbnl 10 32 83 68 60 Is 6d ixoali Is solee, (b 4S eoli 30 30 3S 693 30! dewi'IhiljiPM iffiS6 UinonFacms jOs Wabash frel.1. Buclid, fiirOverpooMt yesterday. -BSml, for lindoa', left yestciday Mray, 'for Glasgow, sfet on the '4th iast.

Bpaifflefeflt3pjn.oh6Uinst.' Cityof Chicago, froio trperpoeirana'-La' at ,7 feteMay PABaV Msrch for New York, ta-day. "ESfcmG, Mach BiXimoz, Glasgow and tivernool for China and Japan, arrlfea tsrday. for left BEEIM, March 5. BjBS-shire, BansoooTiar tTnitod Kine-dota'or to-day. Eirby 1L liverpool ftt Bombay, passed'on BSmqiffH, March from London, arrived toySna pwcecdpd for Australia.

7. Orizaba arrivid' to Blvmpth gasipd at 9 aja. lesterday and left a neon for Aus- 1. Animals, Art. food ftdwiij 3.

Baw iasterials 4. Artislas njanufd. SO 30 54 955 macBerdiSOspei: Wi'hsrrmgs, ae i 1 Usir iDoiaestMO). B3 Is Coiontwct Govsbtojsst azooBTOBS, Victoria 4 p.c. Eail.

Lon 1881 has riseft "(103 to i'' IWV; ditto 4 p.cXoan of 1835, 103 to1D4); anddittO' 4 p.c Scrip to be paid, (18 to Susiaess dene Canada 4 p.c, 1904-5-6-8 (Bonds), 1041 "Cafe of Good How 4 s.c'oi 1881. S9 ditto '4 p.c. Ctonsold. andCo.ra-mafa"isrG&&raSef Ch-en to, BoleAiktoan, and Co Condor, St. Kathe's-Joclf, Philbpps r2)' Volirii.

Gueraesr. wer Tier; P. Sawlera-. rcsrreiaonadeis.iiS'aa perquarsOTi; Bsljah, Ss per misdred -la- tn'Sft Sdl etinb. "imo; ddi 1 suppose can inoiuae my nnsDanaana my maid in tho-expensesg'' He" said OerSainly not yeui but will' write -to you about the nuad and he pi 'so.

Xoe egreenieni said it was to bo subject to the- printed HO'Spell op fee printed form; and qnsrfey of an hour afterwards be asked if she had rea and they all aigneS it. Ho gave her the letter ss to the' maid himself." There wass rehearsal On the 26th June. The- plaintiff canie' sn'd rsiiC shoho- 'jead'Overliej affreeineht a secohd time', arid' had net noticed coTprntisB. partly manura (A. Yarns smites-tae labriiis.

KlenacSus, Shanghai, fte-V' andBenSf CSgug- iosooif -UBHTBAi Bmithfieldj, MAseaJs fne'dnlL Brides': Sob( a fwholeflra UD Natal5p.cl0-40 loans, T884.1C4': Jfew Boauwfis pose 3 p-nt. Offlobl Md 'tnanufa thereiroa: A Tuna inw a 1888 to midaie eitto, 2d'per lb'; tofti'Ka per rb'JW South 5 p.c, 18S4, 1031 Month of February, -i 1 .1 1 Increase. Dacreass -1880. 18,602 27,276 8,774 832,160 603,840 7,858 84,410 8,627,117 2,326,127 64,833 828,690 801,023 838,279 37,251 676,480 670,693 7,787 1,98235 2,004 5 21.780 fl1 CSfitLPscfld'ai) Boies, is ja per 10, BUHs, iua pio, 925, 3 Fund, 102i (accept macbioery C.1 MAchinety'oni 'roill worS. Bez.

and CSJ Stettin. s. DiifltiSo, Aniorsen, Beaker; ditto 4 p.q. CousoIb 954, 13 75( lobcksSd perlb skate, 4d pet lb i live eetsflB then that it'iricluflsid tt'rnoroing p'ijorman'ce'sn'd aisSeS do. juaran.

75i' 6 75 4t it eojf 111 p.c. 191J-16, 69, ditto 4 p.c. dead eels, lou-par iu wmeeeait, "Si per basket; PHF.S9 1 t-rGJengarryondopfor Cains, paSsedatKf.JOB.m.toy. fjApaOR, March 6'. Navsriao, from lVondon, andved this moroinjf.

I ofcrftwmr at -M-ami. a ana 9Si. 1. 'ii Victoria 4 p.c, 1899-1901, iMl ditto 4 n.c. Loan of 1885.

105. i. aiSBBUli 67 jj 80 (D.) Apparel articles of personal use (E.) Ctismiosls. anu cheinjical and mecli- 3s each: teed aaddoeita.Sat'BW? 30 64 herriogB, 9d per dozen WwEngi'Ss to 67 is SS- 31S 80S 2 9K 83S 8 00 exican 'of. Wo wbiu but, mrnjtmn.

euw us oiuiu uu, possibly do so, an heftwo other 'reiiests he tiionght in'hi "case sfi'e' must abide by said that unless she wssjpaidfor the fnornjne-grJojtoncS' isivNi iavarpooi. ana haye'ien'engad'sSwoski sreglad'tp gain Braunschweig," from Bremen, havs arrived, 11756 lies mis StSSABOlE. March' trimnUv, (OSS (OS 41 41 79' 41)4 42 eojl ei perdosrishnmBs, 8 per cinsl prepanuaous (F.) All other ar-Scles, either manuf. or partly saanuTa Total CSpc'Cent. Bds.

andwasagreatffivonriteia the fie said SO Rail-ways, Dkbshtoue SToc3cs.Busiiiess dose Caledonian 4 p.c, 117J, Glasgow and 8. "Western 4p.c.,115)t; Great "Western 4 p.c, il9i, 20,19, Loudon and North Western 4 p.c, 120J, IfSf Mid-laud 4 p.c, 119i, and North British 4 Jp.Cf EAILWAY8, Quabimteeh Shabss aot Siocks. Bvaiaeas done Caledoniaa 4 p.c lljjj Foi8ridge4p.c.,1l1J, Great Esstern Goas, 4' p.o. 4 IS.tatraX.'VJ China ana leftto-day. 8QAMPIN, from Bremen, arrived left at3 p.m.

7. Bulotl, W.ved to-day, -oaa- fo 'Bremoa' she ibjjajr 35,0511 specie. Bomsn, from HirabSrg, arrived at a sans: raw "bl STtPBSJL 1ESL! 12ij tPo.qblieatns.1 djpets, to 33 per nana; plaice, oa Sf.Tfnk-fi AK.Vi.TSi. tn IS rir tnmir rotar. 4a to 123 Buna The.

nsral adds that' lie never met with peasants fcriiawing than tije Ijokhsnan's how to cultivate tte opw, 8JW irrigation system of Bokhara erilej ''ijam 'to 'uojridate their fieldj wiii a ebripte of oura Md to lead thg water away again in' "another couple oi lonrs; The irrigatieri protection of the pepple, and iB wnskered as Mad of iHSBffE 34BE xss Bast. The EeV. Dr. WaBt8rrP.i:S.;'irave afrillreriorf 'of hSlat'e'entomd. offless yOu'can'tfive' me' eWdillol' morisyT'wori' HI.

ElPOSTS EOBSIGJt AND COLONIAL Jtonth ot'Bebruary. Iota! value (gaitly 6 5,685,708 619,331 'Orsist'Sii pscbitjr. ow jaia IMPOBTS into London last week etwg Irtaidaa, B. M. S.S.

Company; tymepe, 8. Smyrna, Bresh Wharf, Adani Brothert Dagey, OrtSnd; a -F. Grauton, Antwerp, 'Hprselydown; ''andHiissey Vesta) inbt, Hermi-tsseTier, Craver, and Albatross, Bordeaux Bnash 'Sfantsn WHarf, 'Gsnl Btean) Nawgaabo'Cbmpatiy; CongeBVsf Bok Natal; L.Bv BumajSTTDhs. i Haili uid Co SsppBO, W. E.

Bbtt and CO. Mistletoe; GranviUe; Gteeriwlcb, A. aaiB. MatmeUe'; Teaser, Gngmsey, 3iesricn, sad B. Manuelle rZUrbaran, sj Sevfllswsboii, L.D., Oj.i'ehvchaa-ea&gin, andB.

i AKcito'ard'VaJeQC- NicholSpaTs Wharf, phas; Co. Leo, New Tfbrk, M.D., Chss. Gee and Co. i Com-mercifiii Antflferi, BUvertowaj Warker-'HoWardi asSCo. M6r, Brewer's Quay Bahn snd Co.

St. Cuaierti HavreVY: FbatooasiC; BeSiwl sMiraj 'Adveti-turei: Soray. ConupMial Mrij! Julia, Gueraiiey, Greeowich, MaaoeHfi Glaooffle; ShaaMU, S. Wil. -McGregor, Gaw, snd Sydney, TiSburv Dock.

Anderson, Andersorii and City- of Qheat, s. and 'Ci'lfhatfCl' DimlnrS, BlsckwaU, Walikias; SiskeUaa. Brake, Lpjekilii Dock, Drake andS-'! LeBbiewb; DiinHrkitotoUffe'Dry Dock, Cullers, Bresh Wharf, J. A. Etna; uut.

way. auc lavyt Aura, ieac toi sgt Kile. from Wesfcfndies via BlymadUf 'afl5 this Borniag with epesiB. aridaffenaS from ttottiaene, syaaej eareo. Kapisr, tu jsamoro, 1 1 aoa Augusta, i OAmEftlNE'S BQ1NT, March Aires.

114, 828OTaney. M)ra; 1 01 'raftjeaffan (mm SallttU7ne.2. Nesi'settlefaeatbeg'Mas ijjr BAifSS, London and Spufli hasSSw 5 (21 to Bniinese donei-BaJiS: 'OS 105, 4i, 4 loadoii end Couniy, II; litadoa and Wtniitatl Stock, 58, 7, ifetioiisit ftovinoiai'of England and Dnioaisf Leadon, IH CASAja asd Dopss, Hast and West India -socle his fallen i (58 to and KBllwaU Dock HariiDBen. fl Oatead. Mflaa las- Ksr- logisftjl Scaeflesia-Sffi'ipt ftrid the East lst ervening; ata'meeting of thri HbiiBgne.

wsbs" "MBsTfireB. Bas.wav;. tal, "1887. Oseri. soer.

dam. 'm cases oo poxes xuaiu. avi and drew spaeial attentioii 'tb sttcsX is TEsry great of Month of Janusry. NasSiO-Oscarahamn'' LU VaLUtS PA demaad fsrBdu ea- to-day an JffifH SSL of the wbrid'. ''During pg 1 tj ouv wistiats v.w fn has rwsnl EridHei Sa ixsmmtxr, anaur umnnetss, rUtt-JTAYS, PBEPEBESCB SEABBS ASP SlOCES.

Businesa done Congoi 4 p.c, 167i: Great Eastern Consol. 4 p.c, 1104, 3, Great Western 5 per cent, 140 Lancashire sad YofeCoa-iolidated 4 p.c-., 1lli; Midland Consol. v.n. 111, 4, 12J 12; North British 5 p.c. Cosrrert, 129; North Eaiteca, Stockton and Darlington Cisss 148 and South Eaataro Consols.

p.c, Lssiin Kaiwats. Bostnese dona: Bombay, Ba-roda, and CentraJ India Gua. 5 p.c; 1614 SBdian Annuity 1953, 23; Great Indian Peninsula Gua. 6 p.c, 145. $, Indian JUidtaS GaW.

4 p.c, 104; and Madras Qua. p.c.,' In Batwats, Bkhms PoassssroKs, Manitoba ana N. West 6 p.c Beads hive risen 1 (35 to 87Y OSoebee Elein temarksd go tjfe ejue'to Science of Dr. Walter's labours, arid inVegard'tb iilseet train the Bast'at sisht said that when ptftS ni1it -Isnionis the' ruiriSof Ephasus he. found ''iii'siirapto'daace.

rnanifested by Bast Hartipooi Walls Bailees; i '1888. 1,687 2,644 2,360 3,047 30,185 31,007 "lees'. 383 Son, aiid 90: Ord; has-tew 4(181 to 18J) Crystal (Ifto 10 "aad'Oitto p.c. SO hn'ftfti hai. ta Gnaira Earb.

Core, xs.e: Deb. has 1,683 3,818 1.872 2,908 33,373 83,538 1S87. 442 Two wetto ending Feb. 11, La Quaira and Caracas. 23, Weeh ending Feb.

JO. Smyrna and ehdroff Beb. 27. 35 West ending March 6. LoB.ntaD,'&S.C.

South "SfsiuwiTs. Week ending March 8. LaSdester But'dOne Arthur Suarnessi and criflsf roiri thec6dfitSy rafuict, juita jsqualung tsa to M3) ami Qttaeantjse. taegrani from Athens states auarantine of five day's observation has been imposed on arrivals from This- (oieflsarci, takes sSest from the 28th ult. 23,813 in toe weoos si uenirai America.

8,335 50,558 -sad Co, Bret, sharee; IS 116, 12 "13-lfi Bryant May, iii andrsA's Patent," 11. iSOB, sn'd' BfWSW mm Sm 8 eappidca, Antwerp for Bio mm -1 6 eim.aad 1 SASt isvely. Batavia, Batavia for Botterdam, pafed 6 a. March8. Grioa, SouthamptoB and Ant-wero for to-day, for London, left-Suez to-day.

Mareh 7, UanMacseune, Clyde for'Bbta-baV; MafluBi, Amsteiamfor Jva and Orion, for Hons waived tOffaH Said Altnaerttig, left- BorS Said yesterdiy She'iipih' BSngbob' BaHsatwas-jyav iim MsSsoiGtefe a'KasfSilntita'lnMdatf Hls- SsU on SS lEKEBBSBE, MarohjS. Umtats proceeded for Jlatal after 7. WirinabaH arrived ysste esA left for WesttJoast YOKOHAMA, BrsccnahirB, from London, rived tmiSrrg; BOMBAY, March -Cify of sr-11 BOSTON, Mit. Catalonia, iam arrired at March from Marseillsa, has arrived. Cfphaloiia, fat Boston, leaves the Meraey MALTA, march 7.

Aiiagton, Bpadca for Bassoon, passed -T wbaiheb ash jxA-ffioAiioir. iiioya's agent at 5s 'CbarTi6Kis3Cs3, Jossids. City of Christ- Savigsiion hoWopJi for steamers, but sailers will have toftma-fiUf-'aef; and Mr. Sarnie, and a similar' Mf. Sarnie then sd," Madams d'Ankg; it a good engagement' let iae 'try asd persuade tou to proceed' which' Madaine d'AnKa "rejUed that fhV'haa othtev' find e'-e'ri'gmerits'oflefeS her.

Witness" vSfi3V' a' to Am I to endsretand' "that lyoB' decline "going with fhe company' iinleas you. haya the. adaifca ydu'astf or?" Ifftatls your decision, arid" we' sss but way te cqmply It, I Sippo'se'I oip at liberty to ansage another taSgbtftaii wB. ieaid jst dmdml reply after'ITja'je had a talk with Miss Cameron." plaintiff jai4 tha(r was what he was to and affied 'hirii' to let $er know tto evening. Oil' tho Sunday, at a quarter tp twbi'h aie a litter to Hje catraon, and'on tfie Saturday he'tobS sfeps to 1 obtain a lady ia pjointiifs and liOssby ''-vj)nktiMd'' WijEi 'tfiq Monday he esptessed siiise tfttteipgSier, after nis letter.

She said she had ilqt recsived it. Og 'said, Esve'writtisnto 8greJI felling you thai I couldnotgiveyouthsadditioriBl moneyfor theraaticee." Eethen walked to further oOiiversatiop. 5e Gblas Bsd pe'ver'trie'dtogetit'np. Iiaughter. Cross-examined by Mr.

Kemp-; He was flndip. tho whole Of for tins speculation. first saw Miss.Loseby On the Saturday She osvei'hiitra writ lea agresmeut. He wrtaren into a verbal agiee -ment with hervthst njgh't. He did not ask Eer to' sign an eeement because he relied upon her word.

Madame iD'Aritoi asked so many things, and changed her rflirid so that he'thbufeht it better tb'Jjaye On agreementi He paid Miss Loseby ISf. He avoided Madame D'Anka on the Mondey because she was rather given to' talKri'wdthouaht'he hS? better'go way. (Laughter.) Oh the Saturday plajntifE 'did not say, see I am asked to do as many triatme'es aiid Central Committees 24 (28 to 32) ad sadcag? ml Onnd TVnnlr tin. us Mort. 1 5197 to iga.

W. WfLUJTOBBri-FEiSfOlB Mi- lfffWfl ISiWr atrthsir -Seems, 'B3aprm. VMf 'and CCm-Ba sad done MioWd of Canada SSarJ. tat JJorfcj Bengal and North Western Bailaay Week ending Beb. 26, jirazuan Submarine Xelegraph WtWX Tj rain SKOtSBiv the Bonyinisier vlriplate Yorks a BJgsa terminated on Saturday," asd jsorFwai yiaterday rnoriiag reisahied after'B strike of five nlonis'.

diiration. f. John's. SpsBKAJf. fob IIi'sbases ob hb An foil fhp W-pSnjentsof thw hospital was given 9f(ho Gholsea branch, on "Sorigs, recitations, aud geve Ub6 gratification to the patients, and at the wejusjori the; evening's amusem*nt Mr.

Savage, solicitor to the hospital, moved a vote Of thanks Jo, who had given their Bcrvicss. afB Clergy XHrec-toryinowpubiishedby Mr. if. Q. Johnson Biougb not at the Tbakwat CoirrAjre Gsbsiajw Lmsrsa).

At the annual fttecahg of She shareholders held attte Cannon-street Hotel, the Chairman. gLord to BiBaaoptibn'-of the report (taken aa raid) observed that -gross receipispf the year amounted to the Hjb iriorcased by expeiiaeii "had Qnly wceeased. by'-'a little over 1(0011. 3jiB prbffts had risen by 4,765, 1 per cent, owaiB, not to any, extraordinary cironmstanbes, bat to ordimurS 'evelopment of the traffic. Wr'tfemUeage Vna I.OKD01S WSEKXX HOCK 5, 1 raiWmaS andD'OTOlTO-TOE 18S7.

1S88. 12.771 4J13 8VPM! I 338 17 24,165 MSd TWw M8JS81 cterch 6 p.c. Ikteai has (122 to Business dOnei-r-Cit? ao. Beli; Loan, 107J, fa CSty of Brwhsjao'S p.c., 10Si City' of Qaebeo p.c. Stiii eoa.

ffity tfttome SW iKlboijrM' "Sn tnwaye' Trust" 4 p.o. 106. Is ErsAstiiAS, Iakd, am atmnsysjEOT, Huds'a Bay Bhares have fallen (22 to 22)-; bat Natal Land and Colonization Company hasfes i (4 to 5). Busi-ness dona: American Irrist 112J, 13; Australian Agricalturai. 1 17 J'oreiro Amexwap and Gen.

Invest. TrusS 11 pi; tod Matioaal DiscOulat, 10, 13-16. Gas, Bs Avies Iaw) hasate (1,3. to 14.) but Gas Light sffldCoisellp.fi. Dsb.tos ns 1 (161 to 164).

Business done: arid co*ke A 229 Metropolitan of Meloourno p.c. Debs.v H0 South Metropolitoo" and 3itto 260. In Instoakcb, Northsrn has-nsra J- (65 to 5GJ) but Xtoyai Exchange hasafiw 6 (400 to 41 0) Business done: Commercial 20; Home and Colonial' Marine gjV Phcsriis; -239'; and" ITniversal Ik Coas, Ison, akb Sxsssb, Barrow Hssmatito Steel 8 p.c. Pref. hasalfes i (8 to 9); Bolcfeow, Vaughaa, and 174 to 18i) nd ditto 1.

paid, i (9 to'fii). ehowea an increase oi oniy mute, bib nnmper i Mart, at 1J a Amm JI 332J03 34,038 183,878 45,8181 Jfisjv. ukk, suircB Aurania, jjverpopi, arpyea -sJlCAI! March 7. Dacca. AiOndon for Colombo, left 1 bv or more' than ner seagers carried vf as 274.UUU per 'mile, risk had' siseh about ceai.

AwayeisKc iij; smnsirics isi aojt. p.c. Ontario and Quebec 5 p.c. Perp. 109, iT Chicago and Grand Trunk 6 p.e.

lat Mort. iUfa Asbbica Kahboab Boots. Bnsines done Canada Southern 1st hew issue, 1072; 'Central o'f'Nw Jersey 1 Cons. 1144, 14" ditto 6 p.c Convert. 69, 89 Lotaevilfe and NaShville Mort.

Bonds, 1l2i; Alabama, New 'Orleans, ariS Texas 6 p.c. 73, Lehigh. Valley Consol Mort. 108! aad Penssylvania Biilroad Gep In Foaiios BatXiWATS, Brazilian Imperial Centrsl Bahia Guar. 7 p.c.

has risen (21 $0 Bdenos Ayres Great Southern, 1 (161 to 163) ditto Extensions 18S0y (14ito15); and Central 1 (1S8 to 140) but Central Argentine Ord. bascCf 1 (168 to 170). Business done -Bahia. and San Francisco Guar. 7 p.c, 23 Buenos Ayres Great Sdnlhsrii 5 p.c.

120i. 20, 19J; BuBnosAyiesand Bosssio 142J, 2, i ditto 5 p.c. 113 Jj Costa Eca 5i Bast Argentine Guar. 7 p.c, 9 Miaas and Bio Guar. 7 p.c, 44; and Southern Brazi--Han Kio Grande do Sul.

6 P.c. Irred. 1159. IB. 88,017 I Suez 'diithe'effl instant." Calcutta fte.Xoadbnj left SO extensive a wr wiao per ana tae expenses sy oust a sum part of pennr 4 at hnok of rtferSri'cS ofrefioentsad ntilitv to tha classes I ha tn-Anv.

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Mrs. WinBlowa Soothing! Syrup Should always be used wheh'cfcildien are cnttjsjr'teetb' ilrrehaves the little sufferer at once it produces narai quist aeep 'b'v'reEevintf tWcMa froic' pain, aoS-tiifl SiWe chereSj- be more complate''th'ari any Sf its'paecessora. Aipha-betical lists Of "the clergy oid of beiienaes c'onsUtute its' most imcortaat feaffesi but with" these is associated much information patronage, diocesan and cathedral eetablishmeiits, and so foith. ftjfi' Concentrated' bocp is guaranteed perfectly purs and made iiitaafly with 'boiling -wster; reeoin- bags Mocha BoreisnE.1. holiday performanees as yojl hka." He did not have any conversation with Farale as to wHether or how he could get of the ensajenient.

Witness was taken seriatim through the statements of the "plaintiS, and denied her account of the riwtter. He aomitted however that on the Mondat he heard her sav some dead; itwayproposeosow share and to appropriate' for xsnawabi and' tociaitfoa Ehe retoarkahtefearfiie of the lSpbrtiBj'that" the iacreaasdjnoflt thelaoard xecliaioiettaea a dcreaeed aividbhdV The' ehairaianthea'SplaineS'tbat the approrptia-tionof 9,000 instead of" 7,300 proposed indererenceto the wish of tie German direofenj ehildei, and that the redaction pf sthe dividend by quarter per cent. sa owing to that cause; reisarkm? now only arirty-faar years to mSim, ly -MbJot (0" Was grM of 7s.6d.pepbKt saHfiit''w6 Wtprt-Bpt5i-eBtft tmn-' 4S0 1,843 17.865 6,433 10,703 7.75B 57,024 42,147 32,253 16,938 U143 a 1 5,071 2,803 12,707 4,581 8,205 5.S5S 8931 68,120 25,553 23,857 ,.464 British SAKrSor Lmmmf8M ia 10 847 6,731 4,611 OWPt aaa puftca." ja perfertljrhannlea; pleasanf to taste. ft soothes the child, it'softoH the gums, allays pais, reteyss -nnil, regulates ebowsja, SS' ofliehamaftstoni JtortanS-1 Iv SsrpHKO. National Steam has fallen i ill to 2i thing about a aid that on the Saturday he thing about a mistake, and that on the Saturday he IsFossips Bailwait OBiiajtfieits, Havana Cocoa Reb nnfl esfifl tenid ano geatw 'tmmkrsmai: i Ask yoni faosWior 'w'sajjae, pronouncait toBe and is-tha best knowa remeayfo'dysent' sid dlsSxheea, told her in regard to the 'matinee that they could ndt the perfectiori of Cocoa.

that joa get fKryM hetiisr''Bflop lat Mort. 7 p.c. Bonds have risen 1 (ICS to 110) and JbOd ditto Xfafr Is..

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Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

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Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.